MiracleBlue / autoclose-tags

Close HTML-like tags in Atom automatically! Now with 15% extra laziness.
MIT License
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Closing PHP tags <?php ?> #12

Open nudefireninja opened 5 years ago

nudefireninja commented 5 years ago

When I write embedded PHP and close it with ?> it inserts a closing tag for the previous HTML element, even though it already exists.


MiracleBlue commented 5 years ago

That's very annoying. I'll have to look into it, but please just ping me by my username anytime you want to get my attention or if I go inactive :) github hasn't been notifying me of new issues for some reason.

mrthebob commented 4 years ago

I have this same issue! Any chance you were able to take a look? It's a bit painful for an otherwise great plugin!


nudefireninja commented 4 years ago

I fixed this myself by adding a line near the bottom of autoclose.coffee:

or strBefore[strBefore.length - 1] is '?'

For me it's on line 92 but it might be slightly different depending on which version you have.

Screen Shot 2020-03-20 at 03 51 16

You can edit this file by finding autoclose-tags in the package preferences and clicking the "View Code" button. Then just save the file and relaunch Atom. You might have to disable automatic updates for this package as well.