Miraculix200 / CookiErazor

Webextension for Firefox
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Local Storage #1

Open crssi opened 6 years ago

crssi commented 6 years ago

Local storage is not cleared. I guess mozilla need to make those APIs working and you have a plan to include clearing storage's in the future?


Miraculix200 commented 6 years ago

I'm actually working on a seperate addon to clear local storage.

Currently it's not possible to clear both types of local storage (window.localstorage and indexedDB). And cleaning is only possible right in the moment when the website loads (by running a script inside the html page of that site). I'm not sure if it's possible to always clean it before the website accesses it. So it would be an addon which maybe can't always keep its promise to protect privacy.

Hopefully there will be a better API for Firefox in the future. Particularly the part where it's impossible for webextensions to delete indexedDB entries is very annoying.

Currently any website can track Firefox users and there is little they can do against it (except manually deleting it, using container tabs, private browsing). Though not many websites seem to use indexedDB.

Miraculix200 commented 6 years ago

Ok here's an addon which deletes DOM storage (local storage) and IndexedDB. It will only work with Firefox 57.0b3 or higher however, because it uses a new feature. For instance with the Firefox Developer Edition.

It also does not work on a per site basis. It simply deletes all storage (except that used by addons) on restart or manually.

https://github.com/Miraculix200/StoragErazor https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/storagerazor