MirageZoe / better-discord-antispam

Repository for [BDAS]Better Discord AntiSpam
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Grammer and spelling #12

Open Jonchu650 opened 3 years ago

Jonchu650 commented 3 years ago

Isn't a coding error it just bothers me and maybe others as well, The only grammer error I see is with the muted embed. Heres what you can change it to also it works really well and I enjoy using it!

.setAuthor(' Action | Auto Mute', https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/Wms63jAyNOxNHtfUpS1EpRAQer2UT0nOsFaWlnDdR3M/https/image.flaticon.com/icons/png/128/148/148757.png) .addField('Member muted:',${user}) .addField(For how long?:,${timeMuted} seconds (10 min)) .addField('Reason of mute: ', Spam) .addField(Time of mute:,TheDate+ " at "+ clock+" "+amORpm) .setColor('#D9D900')

mchccn commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I'm going to open a pull request again!