MirakelX / mirakel-android

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Meta list for today omits some tasks #606

Open wawe opened 8 years ago

wawe commented 8 years ago

The following steps reproduce the problem: My device uses a GMT+1 (Berlin) time zone. In the meta list for today, I add a task 'Test1'. It is not shown in the list. Note that this happens only if the date is set via the default date of the special list. If I set the due date manually, the problem does not occur.

If I set the time zone to GMT+2, the problem disappears; the previously created task is shown. Newly created tasks are also shown.

Looking at my task database, the created tasks seem to have the correct date in my local timezone. However, in contrast to tasks where the due date is set explicitly, they have a time different from midnight:

select name, due, datetime(due, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') from tasks where due < 1446850790;
Report/fix heute bug|1446764400|2015-11-06 00:00:00
Test1|1446794293|2015-11-06 08:18:13