Mirantis / k8s-AppController

AppController is a pod that you can spawn in your Kubernetes cluster which will take care of your complex deployments for you.
Apache License 2.0
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Does k8s-AppController run with a kubernetes federation ? #150

Open tiagoalves83 opened 7 years ago

tiagoalves83 commented 7 years ago


Does k8s-AppController run with a kubernetes federation ? How can I achieve that ?

nebril commented 7 years ago

Hi @tiagoalves83, thanks for filing this question!

I don't have much experience with federated clusters, but from what I understand from documentation, there are special federated k8s object types that create underlying k8s objects in clusters (for example federated ReplicaSet). We don't support ResourceDefinitions of federated objects for now.

I think it would be possible to run AC pod in the cluster that acts as Federation Control Plane and let it orchestrate overlay federated k8s objects, which would in turn orchestrate their own underlying objects. This sounds like a fun feature to work on, we will see if we can fit it into our roadmap.

First thing that would be needed is support for federated objects in AC itself, which would consist of separate client talking to federation API instead of normal k8s API. Status checking for such objects would also be an interesting topic to work on (e.g. how do cluster outages affect status of deployment graph vertex?).

Can you elaborate a bit on your use case?