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An example of how to insert tool output into the chat history #254

Closed offchan42 closed 4 months ago

offchan42 commented 4 months ago


It'd be nice if there's an example code that shows how to insert tool output back into chat history for the LLM to generate a formatted response given the tool output.

This is an example dialogue:

user: I'd like to ask a math question
assistant: go ahead!
user: what's 123 times five thousand seven hundred?
assistant: `call_tool multiply(123, 5700)`
tool: 701100
assistant: It's 701,100. That's about seven hundred thousands!

Making the example more full-fledged:

  1. Show how to stream messages if the chatbot decides to not use the tool. In the above dialogue, all the assistant messages should be streamed to the console, except the tool use.
  2. Show how to call tools in parallel.
willbakst commented 4 months ago

Definitely need more documentation here.

  1. For now as a stop-gap while we work on this, you can insert a tool message like any other message using the MESSAGES: keyword and a tool message like {"role": "tool", "name": tool.__class__.__name__, "content": tool.fn(**tool.args)} (this is OpenAI format)
  2. You can call multiple tools by providing multiple tools in the tools list of the call_params and then access all tools called by the model by using response.tools (note response.tool just grabs the first tool).
  3. I'm thinking we should add something like response.tool.tool_message that outputs the correct tool message (for the provider in use) so the user doesn't have to manually write the message as in number 1. We should also likely add similar functionality for normal responses (i.e. to get the assistant message to inject into chat history without having to write it manually). This would also likely make our chat history example even more compelling.

One more question @offchan42:

For streaming messages when using tools, you can't tell if it will use the tool before you make the call, which makes your 1st point difficult (unless you force it to use the tool of course, in which case just make the call, but this isn't always the case).

We offer support for streaming tools as well (currently only OpenAI and Anthropic are supported). This way you can just always call stream and then act based on the model's response. Does this make sense?

Regardless we should likely provide documentation for how one might do this with detailed examples.

off6atomic commented 4 months ago

I want something similar to this tool streaming, but it should allow for normal text streaming as well.

import os

from mirascope.openai import OpenAICall, OpenAICallParams, OpenAIToolStream


def print_book(title: str, author: str, description: str):
    """Prints the title and author of a book."""
    return f"Title: {title}\nAuthor: {author}\nDescription: {description}"

class BookRecommender(OpenAICall):
    prompt_template = "Please recommend some books to read."

    call_params = OpenAICallParams(tools=[print_book])

stream = BookRecommender().stream()
tool_stream = OpenAIToolStream.from_stream(stream)
for tool in tool_stream:
#> Title: The Name of the Wind\nAuthor: Patrick Rothfuss\nDescription: ...
#> Title: Dune\nAuthor: Frank Herbert\nDescription: ...
#> ...

In the above code, I saw that it's always assuming that the response from OpenAI is going to be about tools. What if OpenAI returns normal text response instead of tools? How can we handle that?

This is the API I want:

stream = BookRecommender().stream()
if is_tool_stream(stream):
    tool_stream = OpenAIToolStream.from_stream(stream)
    for tool in tool_stream:
else:  # stream of text instead of stream of tools
    for chunk in stream:
        print(chunk, end="", flush=True)

Is there a way to do something like this?

FYI, @offchan42 is my personal account and @off6atomic is my work account.

off6atomic commented 4 months ago

This is my attempt at trying to insert tool output into the chat history (no streaming):

from typing import Literal

from openai.types.chat import ChatCompletionMessageParam
from mirascope.openai import OpenAICall, OpenAICallParams

def get_current_weather(
    location: str, unit: Literal["celsius", "fahrenheit"] = "fahrenheit"
    """Get the current weather in a given location."""
    if "tokyo" in location.lower():
        return f"It is 10 degrees {unit} in Tokyo, Japan"
    elif "san francisco" in location.lower():
        return f"It is 72 degrees {unit} in San Francisco, CA"
    elif "paris" in location.lower():
        return f"It is 22 degress {unit} in Paris, France"
        return f"I'm not sure what the weather is like in {location}"

class Forecast(OpenAICall):
    prompt_template = """
    MESSAGES: {history}
    USER: {question}

    question: str
    history: list[ChatCompletionMessageParam] = []
    call_params = OpenAICallParams(model="gpt-4-turbo", tools=[get_current_weather])

# do the first call to get assistant to call the tool
forecast = Forecast(question="What's the weather in Tokyo Japan?")
response = forecast.call()
tool = response.tool
if tool:
    print("Tool arguments:", tool.args)
    output = tool.fn(**tool.args)
    print("Tool output:", output)
    # > It is 10 degrees fahrenheit in Tokyo, Japan

# curate history for the second call
history = []
history.append({"role": "user", "content": forecast.question})
history.append({"role": "assistant", "tool_calls": [tool.tool_call.model_dump()]}). # I think the way I create the dictionary here is quite verbose. There's probably a shorter and succinct way.
        "role": "tool",
        "content": output,
        "tool_call_id": tool.tool_call.id,
        "name": tool.__class__.__name__,

# do the second call to get assistant response
forecast2 = Forecast(question="Is that cold or hot?", history=history)
response2 = forecast2.call()
print("Response 2:", response2)

This code is a modified version of the official Tools example. My goal is to ask the chatbot for weather, then it would call the tool, then I'd put the tool output into the chat history. Then I'd call the chatbot again to let it summarize whether the weather is cold or hot.

AFAIK, I need to insert 3 messages into the chat history:

  1. user question
  2. assistant response about tool arguments
  3. tool message containing tool output

I got error KeyError: 'content' when running above code.

Can you help modify this example to make it work?

willbakst commented 4 months ago

First, for the streaming, you can do the following (it'll iterate through the chunks twice, and we should look into optimizing this, but this should work as a stop-gap for now):

from typing import Generator

from mirascope.openai import (

def print_book(title: str, author: str, description: str):
    """Prints the title and author of a book."""
    return f"Title: {title}\nAuthor: {author}\nDescription: {description}"

class BookRecommender(OpenAICall):
    prompt_template = "Please recommend some books to read."

    call_params = OpenAICallParams(tools=[print_book])

def regenerate(
    chunk: OpenAICallResponseChunk,
    stream: Generator[OpenAICallResponseChunk, None, None],
) -> Generator[OpenAICallResponseChunk, None, None]:
    yield chunk
    for chunk in stream:
        yield chunk

stream = BookRecommender().stream()
first_chunk = next(stream)
generator = regenerate(first_chunk, stream)
if (
    first_chunk.delta.content is None
):  # note content property is always string, but delta.content can be None
    tool_stream = OpenAIToolStream.from_stream(generator)
    for tool in tool_stream:
        if tool:
            output = tool.fn(**tool.args)
    # > Title: The Name of the Wind\nAuthor: Patrick Rothfuss\nDescription: ...
    # > Title: Dune\nAuthor: Frank Herbert\nDescription: ...
    for chunk in generator:
        print(chunk.content, end="", flush=True)
    # > I'd be happy to recommend some books! Here are a few options: ...

We should file a separate feature request issue to push the regeneration into the library in some way.

willbakst commented 4 months ago

For the tools, there's actually a bug that I just filed: #261

I will work on a fix for this asap and release in a fix version. The code in that bug outlines how to do it.

off6atomic commented 4 months ago

Thank you for quick and complete response! BTW, do you also need to bump the version number for this because I want to update to latest version?

willbakst commented 4 months ago

Just released the fix for this in version v0.13.4

Docs are here: https://docs.mirascope.io/latest/concepts/tools_%28function_calling%29/#inserting-tools-back-into-the-chat-messages