Open CatalinAtanase opened 2 years ago
Hello Catalin, thank you for your review and for the good notes given!
I did correct most stuff, but some ORM queries don't work as expected. So I left the old solution there for now. For example, I have tried something like this:
total_commission = Reservation.objects.filter(city__in=COMMISSION_RATES.keys()).annotate(instance_commission=F('net_income') * COMMISSION_RATES.get(F('city')) / 100).aggregate(total_commission=Sum('instance_commission'))['total_commission']
or many different variations like so, but it doesn't work. Maybe I can get some tips about that or some more time to investigate and work on that.
Thank you, and have a nice weekend! Mirko Milanovic
Hello @CatalinAtanase I did upload the solution afterwards. It seems way better and more professional now!
Thank you and Happy Easter! Mirko Milanovic
Hello, thank you for doing this task. I will add some notes and please make a pull request for this.
The app name should usually be the main model name but using plural eg reservations. For this one I think we can continue with your app name.
why delete all the data?
check for post request
the logic for creating a reservation should be moved from views, maybe to some service
if you don't use any of the data from Reservations.objects.update_or_create there's no need to assign vars
for redirect please use view name
please compute the total_commission using django ORM
no need to iterate over the dictionary, you can just check if the month is in the dictionary
also this query could be done usign django ORM as well and returning: month/year -> value
use url tag in templates for links
about testing, django uses unittest already using a class based approach. see
cc @Irostovsky