Mirobit / bitcoin-node-manager

:bar_chart: Lightweight dashboard and control system for bitcoin nodes
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Bitcoin Core not reachable #41

Closed tstrike34 closed 3 years ago

tstrike34 commented 3 years ago

Hi and thank you for this solution!

I got things set up and I am using the docker image on Ubuntu 20.04

Bitcoin Core not reachable: Failed to connect to port 8332: Connection refused

With my bitcoind running (bitcoin core 0.20.1) I am getting above error message.

Here is my bitcoin.conf file rpcuser=* rpcpassword=** rpcport=8332 server=1 txindex=1

Is there something missing from my bitcoin.conf file to allow for this solution to connect to bitcoin core? Is there another logfile I can look at to determine whats going on?

Thank you in advance.

Mirobit commented 3 years ago

Hey tstrike34, it is probably the firewall that is blocking docker from reaching the bitcoin core rpc port.

Try this to allow docker contacting the port: sudo ufw allow in on docker0 from to any port 8332

Check before if you have the right interface and docker ip: ifconfig

This should return something like this:

docker0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast

tstrike34 commented 3 years ago

Ok Mirobit, thank you for answer. Standby

tstrike34 commented 3 years ago

tstrike39@tordenbitcoin:~/.bitcoin$ ifconfig

docker0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::42:b5ff:fec2:587 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20 ether 02:42:b5:c2:05:87 txqueuelen 0 (Ethernet) RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 19 bytes 2766 (2.7 KB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

tstrike39@tordenbitcoin:~/.bitcoin$ sudo ufw allow in on docker0 from to any port 8332 [sudo] password for tstrike39: Sorry, try again. [sudo] password for tstrike39: Skipping adding existing rule

tstrike34 commented 3 years ago

Any other place I should look. I followed your instructions precisely.

Mirobit commented 3 years ago

I am having the same issues with docker on Linux. I am not sure why it, but I am don't know docker networking too well. I just know that I got it working once.

tstrike34 commented 3 years ago


Mirobit commented 3 years ago

I am out of ideas. I can connect with netcat from to container to a port on the main machine. Also the rpc call is apparently not blocked by the firewall. But for some reason Bitcoin Core refuses the rpc connection (curl). Everything still works on Windows Docker and without Docker.

tstrike34 commented 3 years ago

Ok. I am doing a deep dive into looking at the docker logfiles in particular the network. Probably an issue on my end. I will update this issue. I am working this right now. :)

Mirobit commented 3 years ago

Thanks for looking into this. I think it is a general docker Linux issue.

tstrike34 commented 3 years ago

Viola! We have an answer.

After jumping into the docker instance, I discovered that bitcoin.conf is not configured properly. According the instructions here: https://ma.ttias.be/enable-the-rpc-json-api-with-password-authentication-in-bitcoin-core/

You will need to configure the bitcoin.conf file as such:

Expose the RPC/JSON API

server=1 rpcbind=IP_ADDRESS_OF_YOUR_BITCOIN_NODE rpcallowip= <------This tells the process its ok to open the rpcport to folks on your network (use internal addresss not WAN) rpcport=8332 rpcuser=bitcoin rpcpassword=J9JkYnPiXWqgRzg3vAA

Please mark this closed and if you dont mind, adding this important note in your wiki?

I sincerely appreciate your help, this is amazing work and quite helpful!

Mirobit commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for digging into this. I will add this info to the README.

Mirobit commented 3 years ago

I added it to the README (eac9e91).

This makes bitcoin core work with all services on the same machine:
