Mirreski / Skript

Skript is a Bukkit plugin which allows server admins to customize their server easily, but without the hassle of programming a plugin or asking/paying someone to program a plugin for them.
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loop bug #48

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

subtract argument 1 from {team.%argument 2%.playerlist::*}

I want to subtract from the variable. However, an error occurs.

13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! [Skript] Severe Error:

13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! If you're developing an add-on for Skript this likely means that you have done something wrong. 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! If you're a server admin however please go to http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/skript/tickets/ 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! and check whether this error has already been reported. 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! If not please create a new ticket with a meaningful title, copy & paste this whole error into it, 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! and describe what you did before it happened and/or what you think caused the error. 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! If you think that it's a trigger that's causing the error please post the trigger as well. 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! By following this guide fixing the error should be easy and done fast.

13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! Stack trace: 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! java.lang.NullPointerException 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultComparators$10.compare(DefaultComparators.java:260) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.classes.data.DefaultComparators$10.compare(DefaultComparators.java:1) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.registrations.Comparators.compare(Comparators.java:71) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.Variable.change(Variable.java:448) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.effects.EffChange.execute(EffChange.java:273) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.Effect.run(Effect.java:54) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(TriggerItem.java:63) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(TriggerItem.java:91) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.effects.Delay$1.run(Delay.java:84) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:71) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:350) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B(MinecraftServer.java:722) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(DedicatedServer.java:374) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(MinecraftServer.java:653) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:556) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! Version Information: 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! Skript: 2.2-Fixes-V9 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! Bukkit: 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! Minecraft: 1.8.8 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! Java: 1.8.0_05 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.5-b02) 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! OS: Linux amd64 2.6.32-042stab108.8

13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! Running CraftBukkit: false

13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! Current node: null 13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! Current item: remove the player from {team.%{player.%the UUID of the player%.data::5}(as java.lang.Object)%.playerlist::*}(as java.lang.Object)

13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! Thread: Server thread

13:19:06 ERROR: #!#! End of Error.