MirrorNetworking / kcp2k

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imer Linux dropping connections after 100+ CCU because buffer sizes #21

Open miwarnec opened 3 years ago

miwarnec commented 3 years ago

from discord:

to further this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2290848 looking at the /proc/net/udp6 one I can see many drops while doing the stress test with 100 clients: https://share.dl.je/2021/06/2021-06-13_19-00-55_UwDiLFug52.mp4 increasing the kernel bufffers (/proc/sys/net/core/wmem_default/max and /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default/max) by 100x (as a quick validation) fixed the issue - no more drops! this is also reflected by the c# socket .Receive-/.SendBufferSize KCP Receive/Send Buffer is: 21299200/21299200 - the _max doesn't change those. need to adjust _default for that

500 ccu on linux kcp: https://share.dl.je/2021/06/2021-06-13_19-26-56_5ZDNb9zwiv.png

miwarnec commented 3 years ago

also imer:

500 ccu on linux kcp: https://share.dl.je/2021/06/2021-06-13_19-26-56_5ZDNb9zwiv.png [19:31] imer: checking if we can set the socket.Receive/SendBufferSize above the _max kernel param [19:33] imer: KCP Receive/Send Buffer is 212992/212992 by default.. increasing KCP Receive/Send Buffer is now 425984/425984 mh, It didnt set it to what I asked it to

        Debug.LogError($"KCP Receive/Send Buffer is {socket.ReceiveBufferSize}/{socket.SendBufferSize} by default.. increasing");
        socket.ReceiveBufferSize = 2129920;
        socket.SendBufferSize = 2129920;
        Debug.LogError($"KCP Receive/Send Buffer is now {socket.ReceiveBufferSize}/{socket.SendBufferSize}");

[19:33] imer: yep, thats not enough - dropping packets again [19:35] imer: alright, lets see if we can do 1000 connections with large buffers for the fun of it [19:47] imer: yes, needs > 20mbyte buffers though - just set it to 200mb and that works :grin: it's the receive buffer thats the issue - guess it's extremely bursty due to the local network or something? super laggy, it's not exploding though https://share.dl.je/2021/06/2021-06-13_19-48-04_eB1extWmS4.mp4 900ms/tick https://share.dl.je/2021/06/2021-06-13_19-48-51_qvhSPBQCLc.png

miwarnec commented 3 years ago


angelskieglazki commented 10 months ago

@miwarnec Hello.

Is it possible to test the server on Linux and client that you used? where can I get it