RTG-SLAM: Real-time 3D Reconstruction at Scale Using Gaussian Splatting (ACM SIGGRAPH 2024)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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OpenCV issue #19

Closed ShreyaIAB closed 6 days ago

ShreyaIAB commented 6 days ago

Hi, I am still getting the opencv issue.

in the bash file build_orb, the command is : opencv_dir=${install_path}/lib/cmake/opencv4

I feel this line is the problem, bz at this path no opencv folder exists for me. Capture

then when i run the build.sh - cd Thirdparty/DBoW2 mkdir build cd build echo ${opencv_dir} echo ${install_path} cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DOpenCV_DIR=${opencv_dir} make -j

i get the error - Capture

A version of opencv already exists in my conda environment and opencv also was installed successfully while running the build_orb commands Capture

What can i change here to get to the correct path?

ShreyaIAB commented 6 days ago

I solved this issue, basically i needed to change the line opencv_dir=${install_path}/lib/cmake/opencv4 to opencv_dir=${install_path}/lib64/cmake/opencv4 in the build_orb.sh script. That's why closing this thread. 👍