RTG-SLAM: Real-time 3D Reconstruction at Scale Using Gaussian Splatting (ACM SIGGRAPH 2024)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Eigen3Config error #20

Open ShreyaIAB opened 6 days ago

ShreyaIAB commented 6 days ago

While running the build.sh bash script mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DOpenCV_DIR=${opencv_dir} \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${install_path}

i get the below error - Capture

How should i solve this error?

ShreyaIAB commented 6 days ago

i changed the RTG-SLAM\thirdParty\ORB-SLAM2-PYBIND\CMakeLists.txt 's 44 line from find_package(Eigen3 3.4.0 REQUIRED NO_MODULE) to find_package(Eigen3 3.3.4 REQUIRED NO_MODULE). It solved the above error, but will it have any serious issues? Because now while running the build_orb.sh file -

cd ../pybind mkdir -p build && cd build

cmake .. -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS=${python_include} \ -DPYTHON_LIBRARIES=${python_lib} \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=${python_exe} \ -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIRS=${install_path}/include/boost \ -DBoost_LIBRARIES=${install_path}/lib/libboost_python39.so \ -DORB_SLAM2_INCLUDE_DIR=${install_path}/include/ORB_SLAM2 \ -DORB_SLAM2_LIBRARIES=${install_path}/lib/libORB_SLAM2.so \ -DOpenCV_DIR=${install_path}/lib/cmake/opencv4 \ -DPangolin_DIR=${install_path}/lib/cmake/Pangolin \ -DPYTHON_NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIR=${numpy_include} \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${python_env}

make install -j I am getting still getting some errors and it fails in the end

ShreyaIAB commented 6 days ago

Error - make[1]: [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:83: CMakeFiles/orbslam2.dir/all] Error2 make: [Makefile:136: all] Error2

MisEty commented 5 days ago

I am not sure what happened. Maybe you can try to install the raw ORBSLAM2-pybind (https://github.com/jskinn/ORB_SLAM2-PythonBindings) first and solve the environment problems.