Miserlou / RJModules

Various modules for VCV Rack
MIT License
98 stars 18 forks source link

error on make dist and submodule update #64

Open davephillips opened 4 years ago

davephillips commented 4 years ago

Fedora 23 Linux VCV Rack v1.dev GCC 5.3.1

mkdir -p dist/"RJModules"
cp plugin.so dist/"RJModules"/
strip -s dist/"RJModules"/plugin.so
cp -r --parents LICENSE.txt res soundfonts samples rawwaves plugin.json dist/"RJModules"/
cp: cannot stat ‘rawwaves’: No such file or directory
../../plugin.mk:55: recipe for target 'dist' failed
make: *** [dist] Error 1

I figured out the fix for this one. I have the rawwaves folder for Csound's STK opcodes, but it took a while to learn where the module expects to find it. The module will crash Rack if I try to load it without the correct folder path. I put the folder in my home directory, the module now loads. I'll test it later this evening. Cool module, I've been waiting for something like it. Someone started an STK-based plugin a long time ago, but I don't know if it was ever completed for any version of VCV Rack.


$ git submodule update --init --recursive
error: invalid key (newline): submodule.dep/libsndfile
error: invalid key (newline): submodule.dep/libsndfile
No url found for submodule path 'dep/libsndfile' in .gitmodules

Not sure what to do about this one. Suggestions ?

Miserlou commented 4 years ago

Hey Dave, -master is still under development and should always be considered unstable. Please try building the most recent version with an updated manifest version. Instro still under construction.