Miserlou / Zappa

Serverless Python
MIT License
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TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable\n #351

Closed maralad closed 7 years ago

maralad commented 7 years ago

I have tried to use Zappa 2 times from 2 different Django apps to 2 different AWS accounts and I get the exact same result both times. The deployment seems to work and I get this

100%|#########################################| 64/64 [02:15<00:00,  4.53s/res]
Deploying API Gateway..
Deployment complete!: https://kl5capzddj.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev

Then I click on the link and I get this .. which I have no clue how to fix... Also nothing goes into the s3 bucket. { "message": "An uncaught exception happened while servicing this request.", "traceback": [ "Traceback (most recent call last):\n", " File \"/var/task/handler.py\", line 395, in handler\n response = Response.from_app(self.wsgi_app, environ)\n", " File \"c:\users\winuser\appdata\local\temp\pip-build-k_tf7n\Werkzeug\werkzeug\wrappers.py\", line 865, in from_app\n", " File \"c:\users\winuser\appdata\local\temp\pip-build-k_tf7n\Werkzeug\werkzeug\test.py\", line 871, in run_wsgi_app\n", "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable\n" ] }

collingreen commented 7 years ago

What is in your zappa settings, particularly the app function?

maralad commented 7 years ago

The only thing I got regarding settings is the zappa_settings.json created by zappa init. so like this.. { "dev": { "django_settings": "visualid.settings.py", "s3_bucket": "mybucketnameishere" } }

collingreen commented 7 years ago

I haven't played with the django integration yet but I expect the .py is being used as a file name. Try taking that off so zappa can import your settings using that as the import path and see if that helps.

maralad commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, I tried that but that makes no difference. Do I need some other settings in my settings.py for zappa?

ivome commented 7 years ago

Did you find a solution yet? I am getting the same error (without django).

My zappa_settings.json:

    "dev": {
        "aws_region": "us-east-1",
        "app_function": "my_app.app",
        "s3_bucket": "myproject-lambda",
        "profile_name": "myproject"

When I remove everything but a hello world from the python file it works fine and the response is returned. If I import a module that was not installed via pip into the module that contains the WSGI application I get the same error message. The same WSGI application runs fine with uWSGI or gunicorn. Any ideas how to fix this?

maralad commented 7 years ago

I got it working. you have to also include the middleware settings. basically follow these instructions. . https://serverlesscode.com/post/zappa-wsgi-for-python/

subhankarb commented 7 years ago

Hi all, I have a flask app deployed in lambda. The versions i am using are


-----Other dependency----

Most of the time the app serves the api request perfectly. But sometimes it is throwing this error and then i have to redeploy the whole app and then it starts working again. My zappa configuration is:

    "stage": {
        "project_name": "dpr-api",
        "s3_bucket": "",
        "app_function": "dpr.application",
        "aws_region": "us-west-2",
        "use_apigateway": true,
        "memory_size": 512,
        "log_level": "DEBUG",
        "debug": true,
        "profile_name": "default",
        "cloudwatch_log_level": "DEBUG",
        "cloudwatch_data_trace": true,
        "cloudwatch_metrics_enabled": true,
        "delete_local_zip": true,
        "delete_s3_zip": true,
        "environment_variables": {
            "FLASK_CONFIGURATION": "stage"

The entry point of the application is, dpr.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from app import create_app

application = create_app()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer
    http_server = WSGIServer(('', 5000), application)

The WSGIServer i am using for local running. Anything i am doing wrong, or it is lambda specific issue?

Thanks, subhankar

philipn commented 7 years ago

This can be easily reproduced.

  1. Create a new virtualenv and install Django in it.
  2. Create a new django project, using django-admin.py startproject testzappa
  3. Install zappa in the virtualenv, and then run zappa init.
  4. Run zappa deploy.

I consistently see the above error, even after repeated zappa deployment upgrades. This is with the latest zappa and django versions.

I had no issues when using the latest Flask (with latest zappa), FWIW.

flux627 commented 7 years ago

For what it's worth, the steps listed by @philipn are exactly what I followed (independently) to first encounter this error. I then thought I must be doing something wrong, so I tried deploying the narfman0/zappa-examples example Django app, with the same results (see #703).

flux627 commented 7 years ago

I did some digging, and I found the regression, from 6 days ago:


Reverting this hunk fixes the bug. The condition

if not hasattr(self.settings, 'APP_MODULE'):

evaluates to True when using Django when it shouldn't.

I'd make a pull request but I'm not sure what @Miserlou was trying to do with this conditional. I'll leave it to him or somebody else more knowledgeable than I to handle the fix.

Miserlou commented 7 years ago

Pushed Hotfix @flux627

tiamot commented 6 years ago

@Miserlou This error seems to be happening again. I am new to Zappa, so It could be that I'm just not doing it right, but I have followed the same steps as were originally reported and get the same error.

BadriRaghunathan commented 6 years ago

@tiamot i used to run into this all the time. it's probably because you don't have the handler.py file in your zip file deployed to the lambda. do a zappa package and check the generated zip files for handler.py. I'm guessing your zip files might be huge and you don't have slim_handler turned on. hope that helps.

Miserlou commented 6 years ago

I need more info than this. If it's a regression, please say which version broke, and post your settings, pip freeze, etc. In fact, make a new ticket and follow the issue template.

tiamot commented 6 years ago

Ok, I posted my version of zappa and Django and os on slack as well. I’ll get started creating a ticket.

Basically I’m using the latest version of python3 Django and Zappa.

tiamot commented 6 years ago

@BradNation4Eva I'll check it out

tiamot commented 6 years ago

@BradNation4Eva , It looks like I do have a handler.py, My deployment shouldn't be big, I'm basically doing what @philipn did back in March. I'm not even creating any models or anything yet, just the base dummy install.

tiamot commented 6 years ago

I just created a new issue: https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/issues/1210