Miserlou / Zappa

Serverless Python
MIT License
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Relax zappa requirements.txt #718

Open bxm156 opened 7 years ago

bxm156 commented 7 years ago


Since zappa needs to be installed in the same virtualenv as the project, but its requirements seem too restrictive, and might clash with other package requirements in my project's virtualenv. The majority of zappa's requirements are ' == ', when they probably could just be ' >= ', or be more relaxed as far as minor package versions.

For example, why is botocore==1.5.26 ? Would botocore >= 1.5.0 (or some other >= 1.5.x) work just as well?

bjinwright commented 7 years ago

This is a good point. Although, it could potentially break the Doppins (dependency manager).

Miserlou commented 7 years ago

Some things are pegged because the non-pegged versions break (Kappa), other things are pegged to the most recent for Doppins. Rather than digging into the Zappa requirements right now, I'd rather focus this attention into a previously abandoned effort to add a requirements setting to use requirements.txts rather than the active venv.

bxm156 commented 7 years ago

@Miserlou Thats fair, but there is another consideration I wanted to bring up as well.

In the case of the requirements.txt fix you mentioned: If zappa was installed in the local project env, it could create a different version of dependencies that will be used when a user runs tests locally, and when zappa uses the requirements.txt to create a virtualenv for deploy, the resulting env might have slightly different decencies.

Miserlou commented 7 years ago

Yeah, but IMO that's what CI is for, that's out of scope for Zappa itself.

bxm156 commented 7 years ago

Has there been any discussion/thoughts about separating the lambda handler requirements and the ci requirements? So that the deploy'd virtualenv only has the min requirements necessary to run the lambda handler, and the lambda handler code itself?

Miserlou commented 7 years ago

Yeah, there is, I'd be happy to pull that in: https://github.com/Miserlou/Zappa/issues/556

Bartvds commented 7 years ago

The outdated botocore is hurting and makes zappa incompatible with anything requiring a current boto3.