Misfittech / nano_stepper

Stepper feedback controller
423 stars 179 forks source link

INFO: MKS provided now source for fw and hw #51

Open Quas7 opened 4 years ago

Quas7 commented 4 years ago


np22-jpg commented 4 years ago

That's not source

Quas7 commented 4 years ago

@npgoalkeeper not sure what you mean. I can compile it with platform.io.

np22-jpg commented 4 years ago

Sure, software is open source. Hardware? Not so much.

Quas7 commented 4 years ago

ah, ok. Yes, the BOM is missing to make full use of the schematic. On the other hand, it does not look that complex as the passives are taken from the application notes of the respective U1 to U4 ICs.