MishaLaskin / curl

CURL: Contrastive Unsupervised Representation Learning for Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning
MIT License
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Memory Usage Increasing Continuously #10

Closed krishnachaitanya7 closed 3 years ago

krishnachaitanya7 commented 3 years ago

Hi! Great paper btw! When I run the code the RAM usage continuously increases. I am running the default code with no changes. The memory consumption keeps on increasing and after 8k iterations, the OS kills the process. My PC specs: Intel i7 processor, Nvidia RTX2070 GPU, 16GB RAM. Can you please help me out? Thank you.

krishnachaitanya7 commented 3 years ago

The memory increases because the replay buffer capacity is large. There is no memory leak or something. It was exceeding my RAM memory hence the process was getting killed. Thank you. Closing the issue now.

MishaLaskin commented 3 years ago

got it, thanks!

On Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 3:54 PM krishnachaitanya9 notifications@github.com wrote:

The memory increases because the replay buffer capacity is large. There is no memory leak or something. It was exceeding my RAM memory hence the process was getting killed. Thank you. Closing the issue now.

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