MishaLaskin / curl

CURL: Contrastive Unsupervised Representation Learning for Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning
MIT License
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Is display necessary? #7

Closed Rivendile closed 4 years ago

Rivendile commented 4 years ago

When I run the code, errors occur.

CRITICAL:absl:Shadow framebuffer is not complete, error 0x8cd7
CRITICAL:absl:Could not allocate display lists
CRITICAL:absl:Could not allocate display lists

Must I run on the machine with a display? Can the code be changed to go without a display?

MishaLaskin commented 4 years ago

that's likely an issue with dm control, would refer to their docs

On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 10:04 AM Ian Zhao notifications@github.com wrote:

When I run the code, errors occur.

CRITICAL:absl:Shadow framebuffer is not complete, error 0x8cd7 CRITICAL:absl:Could not allocate display lists CRITICAL:absl:Could not allocate display lists

Must I run on the machine with a display? Can the code be changed to go without a display?

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Rivendile commented 4 years ago

That's it. Thx~