Mishiranu / Dashchan-Extensions

Dashchan extensions
GNU General Public License v3.0
48 stars 29 forks source link

I've written an extension, how can I get it merged? #16

Closed nilesr closed 6 years ago

nilesr commented 6 years ago

The extension is here, and it implements the API that's been documented here

I've tested it on my phone and an emulator, and given out the initial release to a few other people to test, and other than a few small things it's good to go. However, github won't let me make a pull request because it's not a fork of this repository.

Can I just give you a diff? Should I fork Dashchan-Extensions/fourchan again and rebase my changes, then make a new pull request?

Thanks in advance

Mishiranu commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your work.

Right now I'm a bit busy but later I will test your extension and then add it as a separate branch if everything is OK.

Mishiranu commented 6 years ago

So I checked and made some changes: https://github.com/Mishiranu/Dashchan-Extensions/tree/awoo

(I prefer to use tabs instead of spaces in my projects.)

Also I implemented markup, HTML parser for boards and fixed some minor issues.

The only thing left is icon. I don't know which icon should I use. 4chan icon definitely doesn't fit.

Also new release will have version code 1.0. It's not a big problem because users anyway will have to reinstall the app due to signature change.

nilesr commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much for your help, I didn't find out about markup, newlines etc being broken until after I had sent it off to you.

Either of these icons would work well if you want to add them

I'll let you know if I see any other problems or need help with something else, thanks again for everything

Mishiranu commented 6 years ago

The second icon is too complex, I don't think it will look good because it's very small in app.

I can try to adapt the first option.

Mishiranu commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I completely forgot about you.

I updated the icon and renamed classes again (I missed something, extension name is actually dangeru, not awoo). Also I moved the code to dangeru branch.

APK (included to README.md in main repo).

nilesr commented 6 years ago

No problem, thanks so much for all your help