Mishiranu / Dashchan-Extensions

Dashchan extensions
GNU General Public License v3.0
48 stars 29 forks source link

Update DiochanChanPerformer.java #18

Closed anoneemo closed 3 years ago

anoneemo commented 5 years ago

Fix for posting on /b/

The field "quote" in the request body is mandatory for posting on /b/: otherwise posting will fail and the user will get an "Invalid Server Response" error. Other boards do not require this field and automatically assume "quote" is set to 0, causing all quotes to other users in a sent message to be considered as greentext. This can be easily tested by posting a message on a board that is not /b/ and quoting someone. This behavior ("quote": "0") is useless and the front-end does not provide the option to disable quotes. So the value should always be set to "1".

Mishiranu commented 3 years ago

I think the latest diochan PR is more complete https://github.com/Mishiranu/Dashchan-Extensions/pull/26