Mishyl / prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto

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Open gdedi001 opened 6 years ago

gdedi001 commented 6 years ago

Grade: Exceeds Expectations

Great job on your project - I loved how you were able to incorporate the <p> and <h3> tag making your HTML very neat! In addition to this, you utilized the id attribute properly. These two aspects of your code helped you meet the design requirements! An area for improvement here could be within your <head></head> tags. Make sure to implement utf-8 as the character encoding for your site. You can read more about that here: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_meta_charset.asp https://www.w3schools.com/charsets/ref_html_utf8.asp

A recommendation here is to review the following articles. Try applying the concept and its usage. It will aid you as your projects get more complex. Read it thoroughly and view the examples! Keep up the great work! 12 Principles of clean code

Mishyl commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback and reviewing my work. The units didn't cover the utf-8, so thanks for the additional readings. Do I need to upload my edited code?