MissSheyni / Tsupport

Android Client for Telegram Support teams
GNU General Public License v2.0
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У теле2 роуминг в тайланде дешевле чем у вас лол #20

Open MissSheyni opened 5 years ago

MissSheyni commented 5 years ago

Уважаемый Nazanin Sheyni,

Пользователь fgh написал новый топик.

У теле2 роуминг в тайланде дешевле чем у вас лол

У теле2 роуминг в тайланде дешевле чем у вас лол

Нажмите чтобы открыть топик [http://feedback.drimsim.com/communities/1/topics/290-u-tele2-rouming-v-tajla nde-deshevle-chem-u-vas-lol]

С Уважением, Команда Drimsim

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┆Attachments: https://trello.com/b/fr3FNOFp/support | https://trello.com/b/wPocoZrF/telegram | https://trello.com/c/0yxX36uJ/74-bugyou-go-to-the-card-tsupport-you-are-connected | https://trello.com/c/gZf54Ttt/84-bugyou-go-to-the-card-tsupport-you-are-connected | https://trello.com/c/raWzFDlm/72-nazanin-sheyni | https://trello.com/c/HpVMRv1F/89-https-tme-joinchat-gkeoub5uhw2aupytabzq | Support board | Command Builder | https://trello.com/b/fr3FNOFp/support | https://trello.com/c/gZf54Ttt/84-bugyou-go-to-the-card-tsupport-you-are-connected | https://trello.com/c/raWzFDlm/72-nazanin-sheyni | https://trello.com/c/HpVMRv1F/89-https-tme-joinchat-gkeoub5uhw2aupytabzq | https://trello.com/c/HpVMRv1F/89-https-tme-joinchat-gkeoub5uhw2aupytabzq | https://trello.com/c/pLwHhq6r/1-instructions | https://trello.com/c/7Rd2XcoG/23-%D9%86%D9%85%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%B4-%D9%85%D8%B4%D8%AE%D8%B5%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%B9%D9%85%D9%88%D9%85%DB%8C

MissSheyni commented 5 years ago

➤ Butler Bot commented:

I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand this command.

Your command:

I was expecting every, each, on, at, when, if, the, *a, a number of days, e.g. two days, a number of hours, e.g. two hours, set, my, our, timezone, create, add, start, copy, rename, move, shuffle, sort, arrange, position, archive, unarchive, count, convert, match, find, in, apply, give, assign, schedule, mark, check, unmark, uncheck, remove, post, change, link, unlink, delete, replace, join, leave, subscribe, unsubscribe, complete, uncomplete, reset, clear, collect, display, increase, decrease, for

You can also use the Command Builder ( https://butlerfortrello.com/builder.html ), or check out the Support board ( https://trello.com/b/2dLsEE9t/butler-support ) for command examples or to get help from a human.

MissSheyni commented 5 years ago

➤ Butler Bot commented:

I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand this command.

Your command:

I was expecting every, each, on, at, when, if, the, *a, a number of days, e.g. two days, a number of hours, e.g. two hours, set, my, our, timezone, create, add, start, copy, rename, move, shuffle, sort, arrange, position, archive, unarchive, count, convert, match, find, in, apply, give, assign, schedule, mark, check, unmark, uncheck, remove, post, change, link, unlink, delete, replace, join, leave, subscribe, unsubscribe, complete, uncomplete, reset, clear, collect, display, increase, decrease, for

You can also use the Command Builder ( https://butlerfortrello.com/builder.html ), or check out the Support board ( https://trello.com/b/2dLsEE9t/butler-support ) for command examples or to get help from a human.