Mission-Prerna / Nipun-Lakshya-App

Public repo of the Nipun Lakshya Android App used by teachers, examiners, mentors & parents to help students prepare for and perform assessments in Uttar Pradesh, India.
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[NL App Enhancements] Remove Unused Realm Dependencies and code from the project #5

Open charanpreet-s opened 3 months ago

charanpreet-s commented 3 months ago

Ticket Contents


Our app has evolved significantly, transitioning from reliance on the Realm library for offline data storage to adopting the Room DB solution. While most data handling flows have seamlessly migrated to Room, remnants of Realm dependencies persist within the codebase. However, this represents an opportunity to further optimize our project by fully removing all traces of Realm dependencies.


Expected Outcome

  1. The codebase will be streamlined and liberated from any residual dependencies on the Realm library, enhancing its robustness and maintainability.
  2. All existing flows will maintain their functionality, ensuring a seamless user experience even after the removal of Realm dependencies.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Complete removal of all references and dependencies on the Realm library from the codebase.
  2. Identification and removal of any unused code that was previously dependent on Realm.
  3. Thorough testing of all existing flows to verify uninterrupted functionality post-removal of Realm dependencies.

Implementation Details




Product Name

Nipun Lakshya App

Organisation Name




Tech Skills Needed

  1. Proficiency in Android development with Kotlin.
  2. Understanding of data handling libraries such as Realm and Room.
  3. Ability to refactor code and manage dependencies.






Beginner Friendly

TheNPDev commented 3 months ago

Hello @charanpreet-s sir,

I am facing an issue with DEFAULT_AUTH_BASE_URL in MyApplication.java and RemoteConfigUtils.kt. I tried to change it with AUTH_API_BASE_URL, and then app launched but I couldn't login into the app because it says that my mobile number is not registered on the Prerna portal. Can I login into the app as user, for checking its functions working or not? Please help me in resolving it. So, that I can proceed further.


charanpreet-s commented 3 months ago

Hi @TheNPDev,

The sandbox.properties file has now been updated to include the missing URL. Additionally, I've added credentials to the readme file for login purposes. It is recommended to use the teacher credentials for logging in. These changes have been made on the release branch.