Closed shossain-mizzou closed 7 months ago
@Yaswitha-MU would you check if you are getting counts as well? if you cant save cohort then use smaller concept set. (
I'm seeing interface issue
Issue was with refreshing the cdm. Now its showing count. Proper way to refresh cdm in Atlas described in the wiki
Can you share the link to the wiki here
@shossain-mizzou: It is only pulling counts but not data. I tried to define characterizations using the ALZ concept set and it failed.
org.ohdsi.webapi.exception.AtlasException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: StatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [insert into RESULTS.cc_results (type, fa_type, covariate_id, covariate_name, analysis_id, analysis_name, concept_id, count_value, min_value, max_value, avg_value, stdev_value, median_value, p10_value, p25_value, p75_value, p90_value, strata_id, strata_name, cohort_definition_id, cc_generation_id) select CAST('DISTRIBUTION' AS VARCHAR(255)) as type, CAST('PRESET' AS VARCHAR(255)) as fa_type, f.covariate_id, fr.covariate_name, ar.analysis_id, ar.analysis_name, fr.concept_id, f.count_value, f.min_value, f.max_value, f.average_value, f.standard_deviation, f.median_value, f.p10_value, f.p25_value, f.p75_value, f.p90_value, 0 as strata_id, CAST('' AS VARCHAR(1000)) as strata_name, 19 as cohort_definition_id, 87 as cc_generation_id from (select 19 as cohort_definition_id, covariate_id, count_value, min_value, max_value, average_value, standard_deviation, median_value, p10_value, p25_value, p75_value, p90_value from (SELECT cohort_definition_id, covariate_id, count_value, min_value, max_value, average_value, standard_deviation, median_value, p10_value, p25_value, p75_value, p90_value FROM ( SELECT cohort_definition_id, covariate_id, count_value, min_value, max_value, average_value, standard_deviation, median_value, p10_value, p25_value, p75_value, p90_value FROM TEMP.ecgq7ye1cov_1 UNION ALL SELECT cohort_definition_id, covariate_id, count_value, min_value, max_value, average_value, standard_deviation, median_value, p10_value, p25_value, p75_value, p90_value FROM TEMP.ecgq7ye1cov_2 ) all_covariates) W) f join (select 19 as cohort_definition_id, covariate_id, covariate_name, analysis_id, concept_id from (SELECT covariate_id, covariate_name, analysis_id, concept_id FROM TEMP.ecgq7ye1cov_ref) W) fr on fr.covariate_id = f.covariate_id and fr.cohort_definition_id = f.cohort_definition_id join (select 19 as cohort_definition_id, TRY_CAST(CAST(analysis_id AS TEXT) AS int) analysis_id, analysis_name, domain_id, start_day, end_day, CAST(is_binary AS CHAR(1)) is_binary,CAST(missing_means_zero AS CHAR(1)) missing_means_zero from (SELECT analysis_id, analysis_name, domain_id, start_day, end_day, is_binary, missing_means_zero FROM TEMP.e
@Yaswitha-MU, would you tell in which analysis you are getting this error
@Yaswitha-MU, would you tell in which analysis you are getting this error
This is the cohort pathways, let me run one more time and get back to you.
@Yaswitha-MU , created a separate ticket to track the issue
Issue was with refreshing the cdm. Now its showing count. Proper way to refresh cdm in Atlas described in the wiki