MisterHLunaticwraith / MRHMilsimTools

Files for the mod mrh milsim tools
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v.1.17.5 #29

Closed MisterHLunaticwraith closed 5 years ago

MisterHLunaticwraith commented 5 years ago

Changelog: MRH Milsim Tools version : v.1.17.5

Description: Generates a ready to paste file to run from mission or addon's init that will set Ace default loadouts for the ace arsenal tab. HOW TO: create your loadouts on different units placed in the editor, give each unit a variable name that corresponds to the loadout (it will be the loadout name). When you're done, run the function. Paste the results to your mission's init.sqf (or any other sqf filled executed from init.sqf).

The result file also contains a list of the objetcs to allow for the arsenal box if you want a limited arsenal as well as a how to. (see comments at the bottom of the generated file)

Alternatively for sexier loadout names you can set them in the roledescription field of the unit and call the function with true as a parameter (but it will only grab playable units) Return value: file to paste from clipboard Public: Yes Parameters: 0- (optional) to use roledescription instead of variable name Example(s): call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_generateAceDefaultLoadOuts; //will use allunits and variable names or true call MRH_fnc_MilsimTools_Core_generateAceDefaultLoadOuts; // will grab only playable units and use role descriptions