MisterPhilip / omnibug

Omnibug is an extension for Firefox and most Chromium-based browsers to ease implementing and debugging digital marketing tools.
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Add support for Safari #246

Open MisterPhilip opened 7 months ago

MisterPhilip commented 7 months ago

Safari added support for adding panels to the developer tools via extensions. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/safari_web_extensions/adding_a_web_development_tool_to_safari_web_inspector

I currently do not have a Mac (required to build a Safari extension & testing), nor the time to fully explore what is required right now. This may never come to fruition, but at least it is now technically possible!

KZeni commented 3 months ago

While I'm sure bundling the extension to be made available as a Safari extension would inevitably require a Mac & Xcode as well as having a paid Apple developer account (and would also benefit from being able to use Xcode's Safari Extension App template [per Creating a Safari Web Extension] to build out those particular aspects when first creating the project for the extension & also having a Mac/iPhone/etc. with Safari for testing), I'm wondering if one could in the meantime look to get the extension confirmed as working with Ephiphany (aka GNOME Web) on Linux (see https://webkit.org/downloads/ for the version WebKit's site points to for the latest [nightly] offering and/or https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Web and/or https://webkitgtk.org) to then make it so it's as far along as it can get in regards to being compatible with WebKit up to the point where it then starts to require a Mac & using Safari itself to take it any further which hopefully somebody then has time available to step in and provide that last step of putting it all together for Safari.

Then again, I could definitely see this just being spearheaded to add Safari support by someone without getting WebKit's Linux browsers involved (though I suppose it could be nice if this extension can then be used by that & similar browsers as a side benefit of this being implemented along the way to adding Safari support.)

MisterPhilip commented 3 months ago

Oh, interesting! I didn't realize Epiphany was a thing. I will take a look into that, which might be a good way to get my feet wet into the WebKit side of things. Thanks for the tip!