MisterWil / abodepy

A thin Python wrapper for the Abode alarm API
MIT License
49 stars 17 forks source link

Is this project still being supported? #86

Open pfielding opened 1 year ago

pfielding commented 1 year ago

Just wondering if anyone is still doing work on this project, as the last update seems to be some time ago. I've been using it successfully for quite some time, and saw that Abode has just gone to 6.0 of their software - wondering if anyone has tried updating successfully without it borking abodepy?

kevdliu commented 1 year ago

Abode 6.0 is mostly UI changes so abodepy is not affected. I updated yesterday and abodepy is still working fine.

jaraco commented 1 year ago

According to https://github.com/MisterWil/abodepy/pull/85#issuecomment-1140621413, the owner of this repo is no longer active on the project. Probably that means it's abandoned.

I'm interested in supporting this project.

kevdliu commented 1 year ago

@jaraco Lmk if you end up forking and running with the project. I have a few minor fixes on my fork that I didn't bother creating PR's for since the owner is no longer active.

pfielding commented 1 year ago

Yes please do keep this alive. I certainly have an interest in this. I don’t have the skill to do serious writing, but I am reasonably good at testing problem solving….

jaraco commented 1 year ago

I've published jaraco.abode 0.1. It's currently a drop-in replacement for abodepy 1.2.1. I plan to do a lot more work to migrate the project to its own namespace.