Misterio77 / flavours

🎨💧 An easy to use base16 scheme manager that integrates with any workflow.
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Configure alacritty with more specific colors ? #49

Open Spuxy opened 2 years ago

Spuxy commented 2 years ago

Hey! i love ur library but im worried how can i configure colors for alacritty like this

    background: '0x282828'
    foreground: '0xdfbf8e'

    black:   '0x665c54'
    red:     '0xea6962'
    green:   '0xa9b665'
    yellow:  '0xe78a4e'
    blue:    '0x7daea3'
    magenta: '0xd3869b'
    cyan:    '0x89b482'
    white:   '0xdfbf8e'

    black:   '0x928374'
    red:     '0xea6962'
    green:   '0xa9b665'
    yellow:  '0xe3a84e'
    blue:    '0x7daea3'
    magenta: '0xd3869b'
    cyan:    '0x89b482'
    white:   '0xdfbf8e'

against to this

  # Default colors
    background: '0x{{base00-hex}}'
    foreground: '0x{{base05-hex}}'

  # Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true
    text: '0x{{base00-hex}}'
    cursor: '0x{{base05-hex}}'

  # Normal colors
    black:   '0x{{base00-hex}}'
    red:     '0x{{base08-hex}}'
    green:   '0x{{base0B-hex}}'
    yellow:  '0x{{base0A-hex}}'
    blue:    '0x{{base0D-hex}}'
    magenta: '0x{{base0E-hex}}'
    cyan:    '0x{{base0C-hex}}'
    white:   '0x{{base05-hex}}'

  # Bright colors
    black:   '0x{{base03-hex}}'
    red:     '0x{{base09-hex}}'
    green:   '0x{{base01-hex}}'
    yellow:  '0x{{base02-hex}}'
    blue:    '0x{{base04-hex}}'
    magenta: '0x{{base06-hex}}'
    cyan:    '0x{{base0F-hex}}'
    white:   '0x{{base07-hex}}'

draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: false

for example i have different color for background and for black color but in this template it uses same color. So im limited because of this ? base16 provides only 16 colors but theoretically i can use for alacritty 18-20 different colors (include colors for cursor)

1vFrKaRb commented 2 years ago

That looks more like that's a problem with base16, than with flavours.

One theoretically solution would be to have custom schemas with more than 16 colors and custom templates, which accept more than 16 colors, but have fallback values for schemas which only support 16.

But that would break with the conventions defined by this repository.

Misterio77 commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the delay, but yes, it is as @1vFrKaRb described.

There's sadly not much we can do right now. supporting base24 would help (I do plan on getting that going, but life kinda gets in the way, I sure am open to PRs though).

Misterio77 commented 1 year ago

Hey, this should be better now with #76. Let me know if it helps!