Misterio77 / nix-colors

Modules and schemes to make theming with Nix awesome.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Getting length-12 hex strings for rgb values when expecting length-6 strings #55

Open idrisr opened 2 months ago

idrisr commented 2 months ago

I have just added nix-colors to my flake, and am attempting to use it in home-manager. I was getting errors at first because all the color values I tried were 12-character hex strings, instead of 6. Upon inspection the 12-character strings were the 6-character strings repeated twice. For example, instead of 282828 for nix-colors.colorSchemes.gruvbox-mark-medium.base00, I am getting 282828282828.

The error seems to be consistent, so I'm using builtins.subString 0 6 as a temporary workaround.

The relevant portion from my flake.lock is as follows

    "nix-colors": {
      "inputs": {
        "base16-schemes": "base16-schemes",
        "nixpkgs-lib": "nixpkgs-lib"
      "locked": {
        "lastModified": 1707825078,
        "narHash": "sha256-hTfge2J2W+42SZ7VHXkf4kjU+qzFqPeC9k66jAUBMHk=",
        "owner": "misterio77",
        "repo": "nix-colors",
        "rev": "b01f024090d2c4fc3152cd0cf12027a7b8453ba1",
        "type": "github"
      "original": {
        "owner": "misterio77",
        "repo": "nix-colors",
        "type": "github"
Kailokk commented 4 weeks ago

I have had the same problem. Thanks for the substring fix.

I've also had this issue with a variable that i defined myself. When used as part of a string interpolation, the file that was generated from it had the value placed twice.

I haven't found a fix, but maybe this suggests it's a syntax issue or maybe something upstream?

I'm new to nix so i'm not really sure how to go about diagnosing it

Kailokk commented 4 weeks ago

For myself it was actually caused by a double import of my home manager config.