Mistium / Origin-OS

originOS is a scratch desktop gui made by @Mistium
24 stars 9 forks source link

[Improvements] Games need a few changes #120

Open Mistium opened 1 month ago

Mistium commented 1 month ago

flappy bird is completely broken

snake is slightly unreadable and unoptimised

2048 needs some kind of instructions pop up to use wasd

lights out needs a start and win screen

skibidi game is fps dependent, needs to be fixed @RattusDong

add instructions for how to setup originCord (like... "make a bot using this link:", get the token and then click the button below to add the bot to originCord)

ThePandaDever commented 1 month ago


vio201 commented 3 weeks ago

my games what happened to my games 😢

Mistium commented 3 weeks ago


Mistium commented 2 weeks ago

fixed flappy bird