Mistium / Origin-OS

originOS is a scratch desktop gui made by @Mistium
24 stars 9 forks source link

[Suggestion] Window Object New Interfaces #141

Closed Mistium closed 6 days ago

Mistium commented 1 week ago

When a window is created it should be able to see the permissions available to the parent window

I'd like to replace the entire window system so that it takes from this json object.

  "parent": {
    "id": "1",
    "permissions": [
      "file admin"
  "children": [],
  "permissions": [],
  "file": {
    "uuid": ""
  "title": "window",
  "id": "0",
  "width": "1000",
  "height": "600",
  "top": "300",
  "bottom": "-300",
  "right": "500",
  "left": "-500",
  "x": "0",
  "y": "0"
parent_id = window.parent.id

parent_perms = window.parent.permissions

window.x = 10
Mistium commented 6 days ago
