Mistium / Origin-OS

originOS is a scratch desktop gui made by @Mistium
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[Suggestion] Window stuff #142

Closed ThePandaDever closed 1 week ago

ThePandaDever commented 1 week ago

make it so u can change the min window size like

window "min_size" 400 300

for example :3

change how you make minimised windows

window "minimised" {"text":"Epic"}

would be equivelant to (or replaces) minimised_text = "Epic"

but stuff like

window "minimised" {"text":"Haii\n:3","size":[100,75]}


or just make a custom minimised tag like mainloop

window "minimised" {"type":"custom","size":[100,75]}

  goto 0 0
  text "haiii :3" 10
import win-buttons

  goto 0 0
  text "im smaller now :)"
ThePandaDever commented 1 week ago

pretty simple

Mistium commented 1 week ago

how tf does the minimised windows thing work

Mistium commented 1 week ago

added min_size

Mistium commented 1 week ago

the minimised thing is kinda bad so not happening