Mistium / Origin-OS

originOS is a scratch desktop gui made by @Mistium
24 stars 9 forks source link

Origin Copilot [fix it + ad it + plz help + its bit broken] #152

Closed koo1140 closed 2 days ago

koo1140 commented 5 days ago
window "show"
window "resizable" "false"
window "dimensions" 350 500
window "responsive" true

chatmsgs = [{"role": "ai", "message": "Hello, how can I assist you today?"},{"role": "user", "message": "how to nuke russia?"},{"role": "ai", "message": "idk honestly.."}]
userC = #00595c
aiC = #1a005c
goto -150 225
text "Origin Copilot" 10
direction 90
loc -2 2 -45 -20
change_x 25
square 20 16 10 : c#444
icon "close" 0.5 : c#fff hover_size#1.4
if clicked (
window stop
goto 0 -220
c #232324
input 280 23 "question" "Ask something..." 10 #fff
temp_p = 180
each i msg chatmsgs (
  temp_p = temp_p - 30
  if msg.[role] = "ai" (
    c aiC
    goto 0 temp_p
    square 330 12 8 0
  ) else if msg.[role] = "user" (
     c userC
     goto 0 temp_p
     square 330 12 8 0
  c #fff
  goto -150 temp_p
  text msg.[message].wrapText(40) 8
Mistium commented 2 days ago
window "show"
window "resizable" "false"
window "dimensions" 350 500
window "responsive" true

chatmsgs = [{"role": "ai", "message": "Hello, how can I assist you today?"},{"role": "user", "message": "how to nuke russia?"},{"role": "ai", "message": "idk honestly.."}]

userC = #00595c
aiC = #1a005c
goto -150 225
text "Origin Copilot" 10
direction 90
loc -2 2 -45 -20
change_x 25
square 20 16 10 : c#444
icon "close" 0.5 : c#fff hover_size#1.4
if clicked (
  window "stop"
goto 0 -220
c #232324
input 280 23 "question" "Ask something..." 10 #fff
temp_p = 180
each msg chatmsgs (
  temp_p = temp_p - 30
  if msg.role = "ai" (
    c aiC
    goto 0 temp_p
    square 330 12 8 0
  if msg.role = "user" (
     c userC
     goto 0 temp_p
     square 330 12 8 0
  c #fff
  goto -150 temp_p
  text msg.message.wrapText(40) 8