Mistium / Origin-OS

originOS is a scratch desktop gui made by @Mistium
24 stars 9 forks source link

[Suggestion] Save App Progress #88

Closed koo1140 closed 2 months ago

koo1140 commented 3 months ago

for ex if i navigate to a folder in files app then i close and open again, it opens the app at that folder, also save sliders, buttons, togges, cheekboxes etc..

Mistium commented 3 months ago

so like, app persistence? so if you close an app and reopen it, the app goes back to its previous state

koo1140 commented 3 months ago


ThePandaDever commented 3 months ago

Could be done with app data so it could just be the dev to make that.

Mistium commented 3 months ago

Could be done with app data so it could just be the dev to make that.

technically, but would be cool to be able to save a copy of an app in a specific state, as like a file and then open the file to reinstate the window with all the right data

Mistium commented 2 months ago

turns out this is incredibly complicated to do so...