MitchTalmadge / AMP-dockerized

CubeCoders AMP in a Docker Image. Easily create game servers for games like Minecraft, GMod, TF2, Factorio, and StarBound!
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"Triton" Update and Minecraft 1.18 #105

Closed judsonjames closed 2 years ago

judsonjames commented 2 years ago

Minecraft 1.18 dropped, and CubeCoders put out an update (Triton) that specifically adds support for Java17 in their UI.

However, when I pulled the latest container from Docker Hub earlier today, Java17 wasn't in the container and I'm unable to install it from the Docker shell. Attached is a screenshot of me manually updating from within the web app and being unable to select Java17 from the dropdown. image

And I see in the Dockerfile you're installing Java17, but it isn't showing up in my latest pull via UnRAID.

Should I try re-pulling the container and trying again? Or is there some additional steps I can do to install to the container manually?

MitchTalmadge commented 2 years ago

It's weird that you still have 16 but don't have 17. It seems like the new image did not get applied to your container for some reason. The new image does not have Java 16 installed anymore.

I don't use UnRAID but my usual strategy with docker-compose is:

  1. docker-compose down
  2. docker-compose pull
  3. docker-compose up -d (-d for detached)

So I would wonder if you need to bring the UnRAID container "down" somehow, pull, and bring it back up. I wish I had more experience with UnRAID to help you.

Can you double check that the version of AMP is in your UI? If it is not, you are definitely on an old image.

MitchTalmadge commented 2 years ago

Just to be certain, I updated to the latest image on my own AMP and I am seeing Java 17 and AMP version



judsonjames commented 2 years ago

I tried Docker Compose on my local Linux station as mentioned above and resolved it. But UnRAID just uses standard Docker management

What I ended up doing is pulling the container manually from the CLI on my UnRAID host and force pull the latest image you built. After doing that I was able to update my AMP image to the latest version and am now getting the option for Java 17.

However, after doing some further research for a more user friendly way of doing it in UnRAID there's actually a Check Updates button on the Docker page. To test it I rolled back my Docker image in the CLI and used the Check Updates feature from UnRAID's Docker panel, and it successfully updated my container to use Java17.

So, what I think happened is that the AMP software itself updated internally, but because the Docker container was not manually updated, it didn't have Java17 and couldn't do everything it needed. That would explain why I was getting the Triton build information shown but not Java17.

judsonjames commented 2 years ago

I'm closing this issue since it's resolved, but in case anyone else runs into an issue like this, they should probably use the Check Updates feature of UnRAID's Docker page and pull any updates. Even if the UI says it's updated, it may not actually be updated.

MitchTalmadge commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the details! It sounds like I need to find a way to disable AMP's own updates or otherwise make the update process more clear.

judsonjames commented 2 years ago

The easy solution would probably be adding a note in the README about updates to AMP. AFAIK, AMP doesn't have an event subscriber (at least from what I could find in their wiki. Otherwise, CubeCoders might have something in their developer license on adding new panels that check for updates and notify the user to update?