MitchTalmadge / AMP-dockerized

CubeCoders AMP in a Docker Image. Easily create game servers for games like Minecraft, GMod, TF2, Factorio, and StarBound!
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Minecraft Ports #187

Open roadkingvrod opened 6 months ago

roadkingvrod commented 6 months ago

It took a bit of tinkering, but I found that to get MC to work, you can't just set ports as 25565:25565, you have to set it up as 25565:25565/udp.

Then the client will connect as expected. However, even if i define a second line as 25565:25565/tcp;, I can never get the client to see whetehr a server is live or not. So in the client, it shows no ping and a red dot, but when I hit connect it still connects.

Any ideas? Thanks!