MitchTalmadge / ASCII-Data

A small Java library for producing nice looking text-based line-graphs and tables.
Apache License 2.0
120 stars 13 forks source link

setForzeZeroInRange #10

Open sirolf2009 opened 6 years ago

sirolf2009 commented 6 years ago

I'm using this library mostly for debugging trading bots. The problem is that the prices never go to 0, but instead hang around, let's say, 8000. The charts force the zero to be in range of the Y axis, which flattens my chart to a point where I can't see movements anymore. Can you add an option to not force zero in range on the Y axis? Or better yet, allow us to determine our own ranges?

MitchTalmadge commented 6 years ago

Sure! I will add the ability to specify a range, or if one is not provided I will incorporate the minimum value as the bottom instead of zero. Thanks for the idea, it had never occurred to me.

MitchTalmadge commented 6 years ago

Maybe I'm missing something, but I plugged in some BTC prices from the last month and got this result using the current version of ASCIIGraph:

package com.mitchtalmadge.asciidata.graph;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String... args) {
        System.out.println(ASCIIGraph.fromSeries(new double[]{7438.67, 7562.14, 7634.19, 7769.04, 8181.20, 8221.58, 8205.82, 8169.06, 7950.40, 8176.85, 8379.66, 7716.51, 7414.71, 7417.80, 7352.72, 7467.40, 7378.20, 7315.32, 6739.65, 6357.01, 6272.70, 6247.50, 6235.03, 6396.78, 6330.77, 6739.21, 6775.08, 6857.80, 6668.71, 6638.69}).withNumRows(7).plot());

 8379.66 ┤    ╭─╮  ╭╮                  
 8022.22 ┤   ╭╯ ╰──╯│                  
 7664.78 ┤╭──╯      ╰╮                 
 7307.34 ┼╯          ╰─────╮           
 6949.91 ┤                 │       ╭─╮ 
 6592.47 ┤                 ╰╮     ╭╯ ╰─
 6235.03 ┤                  ╰─────╯    

Does your data have any negative or very low values somehow? I guess I already have the graph determining the range from the highs and lows.

sirolf2009 commented 6 years ago

hmm, yeah you're right. Maybe I was testing with my profit and not the market price and then my brain farted. Anyway, here's what you get for negative values:

System.out.println(ASCIIGraph.fromSeries(Arrays.asList(-181d, -171d, -161d)).plot());
   -1.00 ┤  
   -2.00 ┤  
   -3.00 ┤  
   -4.00 ┤  
   -5.00 ┤  
   -6.00 ┤  
   -7.00 ┤  
   -8.00 ┤  
   -9.00 ┤  
  -10.00 ┤  
  -11.00 ┤  
  -12.00 ┤  
  -13.00 ┤  
  -14.00 ┤  
  -15.00 ┤  
  -16.00 ┤  
  -17.00 ┤  
  -18.00 ┤  
  -19.00 ┤  
  -20.00 ┤  
  -21.00 ┤  
  -22.00 ┤  
 -160.00 ┤  
 -161.00 ┤ ╭
 -162.00 ┤ │
 -163.00 ┤ │
 -164.00 ┤ │
 -165.00 ┤ │
 -166.00 ┤ │
 -167.00 ┤ │
 -168.00 ┤ │
 -169.00 ┤ │
 -170.00 ┤ │
 -171.00 ┤╭╯
 -172.00 ┤│ 
 -173.00 ┤│ 
 -174.00 ┤│ 
 -175.00 ┤│ 
 -176.00 ┤│ 
 -177.00 ┤│ 
 -178.00 ┤│ 
 -179.00 ┤│ 
 -180.00 ┤│ 
 -181.00 ┼╯ 

So yeah, I do have negative values.

MitchTalmadge commented 6 years ago

Looks like the negatives could use some cropping. I'll work on that