Mithion / ArsMagica2

Ars Magica 2 Bug Tracker
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Hecates Spawning to Mob Cap, Crowding Out Hostile Mob Spawns #393

Closed Eunomiac closed 10 years ago

Eunomiac commented 10 years ago

I noticed a sudden drop in hostile mobs spawning in the Overworld, and after a bit of troubleshooting, I tried a /cofh killall to see if the mob cap had been hit somehow. It had, almost entirely by Hecates. Here are the results of nine timestamped killall's, all taken over the course of one afternoon:

12:11:42 Removed 94 hostile entities. (90xarsmagica2.MobHecate, 3xZombie, 1xPech)
12:44:45 Removed 81 hostile entities. (60xarsmagica2.MobHecate, 2xarsmagica2.MobManaElemental, 4xCreeper, 2xarsmagica2.MobDarkMage, 2xarsmagica2.MobManaCreeper, 6xZombie, 5xSkeleton)
12:45:40 Removed 82 hostile entities. (10xarsmagica2.MobHecate, 5xarsmagica2.MobManaElemental, 26xCreeper, 3xSpider, 2xEnderman, 1xarsmagica2.MobDarkMage, 6xarsmagica2.MobManaCreeper, 17xZombie, 2xPech, 10xSkeleton)
12:57:37 Removed 83 hostile entities. (40xarsmagica2.MobHecate, 1xarsmagica2.MobManaElemental, 7xCreeper, 9xSpider, 4xarsmagica2.MobManaCreeper, 7xZombie, 15xSkeleton)
13:08:27 Removed 82 hostile entities. (50xarsmagica2.MobHecate, 4xarsmagica2.MobManaElemental, 6xCreeper, 1xSpider, 2xEnderman, 2xarsmagica2.MobManaCreeper, 3xZombie, 14xSkeleton)
13:34:31 Removed 80 hostile entities. (57xarsmagica2.MobHecate, 5xCreeper, 1xarsmagica2.MobManaElemental, 2xSpider, 1xarsmagica2.MobManaCreeper, 9xZombie, 1xPech, 4xSkeleton)
14:02:56 Removed 83 hostile entities. (64xarsmagica2.MobHecate, 2xarsmagica2.MobManaElemental, 4xCreeper, 3xSpider, 2xEnderman, 2xarsmagica2.MobManaCreeper, 1xarsmagica2.MobDarkMage, 4xZombie, 1xPech)
15:27:52 Removed 82 hostile entities. (79xarsmagica2.MobHecate, 1xCreeper, 1xSpider, 1xPech)
19:04:15 Removed 80 hostile entities. (56xarsmagica2.MobHecate, 1xarsmagica2.MobManaElemental, 6xCreeper, 3xSpider, 1xEnderman, 2xZombie, 11xSkeleton)

I'm using AM2 v. 1.1.2b, with "HecateSpawnRate" set to "2" in my configs.

Eunomiac commented 10 years ago

Just a follow up after trying a few things:

I apologize for being unable to provide more detailed information at this time; I'm a little out of my depth when it comes to troubleshooting this particular issue. But I'm a fast learner and keen to help, so if you have an ideas on things I could check, I'd be happy to do some testing and get back to you.

As before, I'm using AM2 v1.1.2b, with the mob spawn rate section deleted in the configs, in the FTB Direwolf20 v.12 pack. I have added a few custom mods and updated others beyond the versions currently "Recommended", but nothing I can think of that should impact mob spawns in this way.

Barhandar commented 10 years ago

Adding to the above: when using AM2 1.1.2b in Monster 1.0.9, either the bug in the AM2 itself or some faulty interaction between mods causes Hecates do to absolutely nothing but crowd out the cap. They don't move, they don't attack, they don't react to being damaged. /sarcasm/ They're truly assassins, rapidly and precisely murdering mob spawn.

Eunomiac commented 10 years ago

Ah, that's true---I hadn't noticed that before, I just figured I was being so totally ninja that I was getting the jump on them before they had a chance to react. But Barhandar's right---the few Hecates I have been able to find (relative to the mass numbers that are generating somewhere) are completely inactive.

Eunomiac commented 10 years ago

Temporary workaround --- if you have OpenBlocks installed, you can disable Hecates until a fix for this issue is put in. Edit the OpenBlocks.cfg file and add Hecates to the top "additional" section like so:

`additional {

List any mob names you want disabled on the server

     S:disableMobNames <


Unfortunately, this causes a lot of console spam ("[WARNING] Fetching addPacket for removed entity"), but it's probably the lesser evil to disabling AM2 or living without mob spawns.

Barhandar, have you added any mods to Monster 1.0.9 other than the default? I'd like to narrow down possible conflicts for Mithion. I've added the following to the Direwolf20 v.12 pack:

I'll ask around to see if anyone is not having this problem, and compare mod lists.

sciguyryan commented 10 years ago

I've noticed the same thing. I've had to use the CoFH "kill all" command to wipe out the hostiles several times. There were so few hostiles that I thought I was actually on peaceful.

utoxin commented 10 years ago

This is happening in my custom pack as well. I'm guessing a conditional was missed somewhere.

Eunomiac commented 10 years ago

There's a player of the Horizons pack on the FTB subreddit who reported he's having no problems with Hecates in v1.1.2b. He offered to share his mod list with me; hopefully comparing the two will narrow down the cause (assuming it's a mod interaction problem, rather than, say, a config issue).

Elvarion commented 10 years ago

Having the same problem. Did not have Ars Magica at first, Everything was fine. Then slowly but surely after getting Ars Magica mobs died out.

Here is my pack, If its of any help. (Custom private server with 4 people)

Ran /cofh killall in my overworld (Played like 3 days without mobs) "Removed 262 hostile entities." 235 of these was Hecate :p

TempestSoul commented 10 years ago

I only have Forge (1.6.4) & Ars Magica 2 (1.1.2b) installed (since February), and I've noticed that almost no mobs spawn at night. However, I toggled it to peaceful and back, and abruptly oodles of mobs spawned on my surface (it's not lit). I think this is a config problem, not a mod interaction problem.

Mithion commented 10 years ago

I'll check it out

VarkAven commented 10 years ago

I can confirm this issue. On our server vanilla mobs do not spawn any more. There are some of those hecates but they are only making scary noises. They don't react to anything and just stay in place. Also their noise sometimes can be heard in places where there is no one of this monsters.

Used Ars Magica is 1.1.2b

Cheers in advance.

spigo900 commented 10 years ago

I'm having this issue, too. Hecates spawn in huge numbers, but don't do anything. It wasn't happening on previous versions of the modpack (Feed the Beast's Magic World 2, v1.0.0), and started with version 1.1.0. I haven't enabled or disabled any mods from the base version. Ars Magica version is v1.1.2b.

DrakeBD commented 10 years ago

Having same issue and wow issue opened a month ago and no word from mithion

Patientos commented 10 years ago

Not a fix (leaving the post as there is a bunch of detail that may assist in solving the issue, one day...)

As a simple solution without the server log, one can simply set the hecate spawn rate in the config (AM2 1.1.2b) to "0", note that this will not despawn the hecate's, but once they are gone they will respawn at a minimal rate. so if you also have CoFH, you can /cofh killall, watch it kill potentially hundreds of hecate's and then if you have no way of seeing what mobs are spawned ( I use Zans minimap, it shows hostile mobs on the minimap), you can just /cofh killall again to see the new ratio. Now, testing this is ongoing. I will update this response in a while after mob spawning has had a few rounds of night to spawn a "normal" amount. First CoFH killed 98 Hecate's and about 30 other mobs 30 seconds later there were about 50 total mobs only 10 were Hecate, we'll see what night brings.

After 3 nights (in game time) the killall removed 79 Hostiles, 21 of which were hecate. Considering they still do nothing at all, that's a lot.However there were 15 creepers, 3 spiders, 4 brainy zombies, 1 enderman, 1 dark mage, 5 mana creepers, 11 zombies, 3 water elementals and 15 skeletons as well. MUCH better numbers. I will update again tomorrow to see if the hecate number rises at all, for now, I'm going hunting ^-^

Update: After two days(real time) of Natural spawns (and no one on the server) Here's the COFH Killall:

Removed 109 hostile entities. (5xCreeper, 1xarsmagica2.MobManaElemental, 1xSpider,1xTwilightForest.Block&Chain Goblin, 10xTwilightForest.Twilight Kobold, 3xTwilightForest.Slime Beetle, 3xarsmagica2.MobManaCreeper, 56xarsmagica2.MobHecate, 10xZombie, 2xTwilightForest.Redcap Sapper, 1xarsmagica2.MobWaterElemental, 16xSkeleton)

So not ideal, and it looks like if it don't kill them often enough they will eventually crowd out every thing else that should spawn. but 50% Hecate is far better than 90+ % Hecate.

Sigh, It's not even a temp fix.. After playing for the day I did a killall again as I couldn't find anything else to kill. 80 Hecate and maybe 20 other mobs I doubt the setting in the config did anything. It appears as though mobs will spawn normally when the hostiles are cleared, the remaining spaces being taken up by Hecate's, and as mobs are killed/despawn those spots too are filled with hecate's. since hecate's don't despawn, they quickly crowd out the rest. Unfortunately, all of this was for naught as using the killall command frequently was already stated, and that appears to be all I'm doing anyway. Sorry for wasting anyone's time who read this. :(

Going to attempt setting the numeric value of the spawnrate to False. logically this should not work. however, in previous versions spawn was a true/false value. so my players don't have to rely on me using killall every 10 minutes, it's worth a try.

Patientos used Change cfg File. It's Super ineffective.

Eunomiac commented 10 years ago

DrakeBD: Look 3 posts above yours; Mithion responded with a clear "I'll check it out". Considering the complexity of this mod (and the understandable number of bugs it will have), as well as the inconsistency of this particular bug no doubt making the cause very hard to pin down, I'm very happy using the OpenBlocks config to disable Hecates until Mithion is able to figure this one out.

Patientos: You didn't waste anyone's time, tricky bugs like this one need people who are willing to do some experimentation and post their results, so thank you! As for using the Ars Magica config to disable mobs, that's not possible in the current version, though Mithion has said he'll be adding it in a future version.

In the meantime, consider installing OpenBlocks (if you haven't already): Its config includes a section that allows you to disable any mob, from any mod. Simply add "arsmagica2.MobHecate" on a new line by itself to the top of the OpenBlocks.cfg file, so it looks like ...

S:disableMobNames <

This will prevent Hecates from spawning (though, unfortunately, it does result in console spam---you'll get "call to entity with invalid ticket" error (or something vaguely similar) every time the game tries to spawn a Hecate).

Patientos commented 10 years ago

Ok well I haven't Installed open blocks yet. But that's next. After some observation it appears that the Hecate's are only spawning this way in response to a player, having no one on the server caused mobs to spawn normally and when I logged in lots of things to kill and just a few hecate's but after about 10 minutes of being on my server, hecates started taking over as per usual. I don't think this had been pointed out yet, but I hope it helps to solve the problem. Note, my living area is chunk loaded, so it's not as if the server was idle. Not completely anyway.

Patientos commented 10 years ago

It looks like setting the Hecate spawn rate to 'False' and then starting a 'new' game (for me this meant new map on the server) works perfectly. My killall has 0 hecates in it. This requires losing everything though. edit Nope that seems to have delayed the overflow of Hecate's though. not a viable solution.

Kadaban commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately I have to add to the amount of hecate sillyness. I just did a /cofh killal on my 2 weeks old server: "Removed 420 hostile entitites. (2xCreeper, 1xThaumcraft.Pech,7xThaumcraft.BrainyZombie, 393xarsmagica2.MobHecate,16xZombie, 1xSkeleton). 393 Hecates, none of which I could ever see. When I do spot one or two of them they're completely passive as in standing around and letting themselves get killed without resitance. Just removing them all dropped the tick time down from 25ms to around 10ms.

Another /cofh kill about 10 minutes later resulted in "only" 33 hecates but a bunch of other mobs I had already forgotten because I never saw them.

DeCaMil commented 10 years ago

I have a suspicion that it may relate to this change in 1.1.2b:

( from

I've been playing FTB's Direwolf20 pack for over 3 months and have never seen this behavior when my magic level was below 20. I just passed level 20 on Friday and now the mob population is almost all Hecates.

Telatsu commented 10 years ago

Just posting for an update, are there any possible solutions to disabling permanently Hecate spawns? They seem to be rather game-breaking in their propensity to do absolutely nothing, but still wreck the spawn.

ghost commented 10 years ago

This is what happened to me: I saw a Hecate for the first time (as DeCaMil said, after level 20) and I killed it, but I wasn't attacked. Then all I ever saw on Zan's Minimap were Hecates and the occasional zombie or Creeper

Mithion commented 10 years ago

Corrected in 1.2