MixV2 / EpicResearch

Research about Epic Games' non-documented API
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Account/User Avatar #141

Open A1Josh0 opened 7 months ago

A1Josh0 commented 7 months ago

Hello, i am creating a discord bot based on fortnite - coded in discord.py i have the authentication setup and what not, although im not too sure how to get the avatar of the user meaning the current skin/outfit they are wearing. Any help is appreciated

2ir commented 7 months ago


URL Method
https://avatar-service-prod.identity.live.on.epicgames.com/v1/avatar/fortnite/ids?accountIds={account_id} GET
A1Josh0 commented 7 months ago

Hi, will this get the current skins so the skin the player is wearing currently because i used this and it displayed a skin i wasnt wearing

Fynnstw commented 7 months ago

I want to program a discord bot that has the same functionality and the bot should find out the epic id and the other platform names. Do you have a code for me?

abdouchamkha commented 4 months ago

Hi, will this get the current skins so the skin the player is wearing currently because i used this and it displayed a skin i wasnt wearing

How you can get the account id for the user you wnat to check his avatar or skin are you using any type of auth ?, if yes what is it , and mybe that need the user to be authenticated

HyperionCSharp commented 4 months ago

The user most of the time will always have to be authenticated through EOS to have access to those abilities. You could use permission sets and try to pass the correct perms to access READ abilities without connecting to EOS directly.

This would use the OAuth2.0 API. I have a way to use the deprecated grant type password. The grant type has permissions for READ/WRITE/CREATE. Just simply passing the email:pass of the users account in return an access token is passed for all use on EOS including Athena profile endpoints which are needed to check skins on the target account.

Hope this helps this section a little!!

Im2rnado commented 4 months ago

What is the “way” to use the grant type password?

HyperionCSharp commented 4 months ago

I am making a full checker on my page (not advertisement).

Since Epic banned its use on me public clients that means that private clients still have the same permissions for WRITE abilities.

Accessing private clients means having a dev API key which I was lucky to have an app that is trusted on the epic dev portal and can utilize these permissions with lower request rates and it's get timed out every 250 checks.

I know that if you play with CTFortniteGameClient you can make it work but it times out like a b**** and is practically not usable.

The other way would be going directly through the heart of the login and getting past hcaptcha. But risks are high for detection and patching.