MixV2 / EpicResearch

Research about Epic Games' non-documented API
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Getting the account balance #71

Closed mahdi-rafiei closed 2 years ago

mahdi-rafiei commented 2 years ago

Hey there,

after reading the whole documentation I found that I can access really interesting informations about each account, except the vBucks balance of that account. Is there any why to find taht out?

Thanks in advance.

entraptaa commented 2 years ago

The V-Buck data is in QueryProfile but it will take some coding skills to get the total amount.

mahdi-rafiei commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot. I've already seen the purchases and gifts history but I tought there would be a direct call. I'll figure this out today. Thank you so much again.

I had also a few further questions.

Can I also access the epic friends of the account using this research. I just need to be able to know how long we have been friended.

And the last and the most important question. Is there any recommendation about how to send or requests in order to avoide getting banned (inactivated) by epic games? All my accounts got banned last time after sending one gift.

Thank you in advaned for your help and this really amazing research.

MixV2 commented 2 years ago

Hi @momo-pers,

You can get a list of friends by sending a GET request to https://friends-public-service-prod.ol.epicgames.com/friends/api/v1/{accountId}/friends.

Your account shouldn't be getting banned for sending an API request. Epic normally only resets passwords for accounts sending suspicious API requests. There's a good chance that something else happened with that account that resulted in it being banned.

mahdi-rafiei commented 1 year ago

Has been almost two years since then 😄 I kind of see some data related to incomes (purchases). But how can the spent amount be calculated? Are you familiar to that? is it stored in the offer id or ?! Appreciate your response ...

guzfernandez commented 1 year ago

Hey @mahdi-rafiei , did you figure this out yet? Appreciate the help :P

mahdi-rafiei commented 1 year ago

Hey @mahdi-rafiei , did you figure this out yet? Appreciate the help :P

Getting the balance?

guzfernandez commented 1 year ago

Hey @mahdi-rafiei , did you figure this out yet? Appreciate the help :P

Getting the balance?

Yes, exactly. Calculating the vBucks an account has. :)

mahdi-rafiei commented 1 year ago

Hey @mahdi-rafiei , did you figure this out yet? Appreciate the help :P

Getting the balance?

Yes, exactly. Calculating the vBucks an account has. :)

Give me some way to contact you. I'll explain it to you