Mixiaoxiao / Arduino-HomeKit-ESP8266

Native Apple HomeKit accessory implementation for the ESP8266 Arduino core.
MIT License
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Trying to get a servo working #187

Open RvdH80 opened 1 year ago

RvdH80 commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

I am trying to get a servo working with the esp8266 and Homekit setup.

I am quitte new to coding, but I already could code something to make servo's etc working with my Arduino.

But I just can't get the solution. It seems I can't use the libary. I used the simplest led as example. instead of led on the servo should move 90 degrees, and led off is back to 0. Seems simple, but where is the key to this?

What i did: add the library etc to the accessoires.c , change the "digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LOW);" to "servo.write(90); ". And so on.. hours and hours of trying.

Can somebody point me in the right direction?

