Mixiaoxiao / Arduino-HomeKit-ESP8266

Native Apple HomeKit accessory implementation for the ESP8266 Arduino core.
MIT License
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Pairing issue #200

Open laszloferenczi opened 1 year ago

laszloferenczi commented 1 year ago


I would like to test Example05 WS2812 Neopixel examples. But after then configured wifi and try to pair device I get the following result.

WiFi connected, IP:

[ 6003] HomeKit: Formatting HomeKit storage at 0x3fb000 [ 7036] HomeKit: Update the CPU to run at 160MHz [ 7042] HomeKit: Starting server [ 7045] HomeKit: Resetting HomeKit storage [ 7049] HomeKit: Formatting HomeKit storage at 0x3fb000 [ 7079] HomeKit: Generated new accessory ID: 78:00:5B:CC:F7:14 [ 7136] HomeKit: Generated new accessory key [ 7141] HomeKit: Preiniting pairing context [ 7146] HomeKit: Using user-specified password: 111-11-111 [ 7167] HomeKit: Call s_mp_exptmod in integer.c, original winsize 6 [ 13845] HomeKit: Call s_mp_exptmod in integer.c, original winsize 5 [ 17265] HomeKit: Preinit pairing context success [ 17270] HomeKit: Configuring MDNS [ 17275] HomeKit: MDNS begin: ESP8266 Lamp, IP: [ 17282] HomeKit: Init server over Free heap: 40760, HomeKit clients: 0 Free heap: 41312, HomeKit clients: 0 Free heap: 40936, HomeKit clients: 0 [ 31336] HomeKit: Got new client: local, remote [ 31357] HomeKit: [Client 1073683540] Pair Setup Step 1/3 [ 31517] HomeKit: [Client 1073683540] Pair Setup Step 2/3 [ 31532] HomeKit: Call s_mp_exptmod in integer.c, original winsize 6 [ 51544] HomeKit: Call s_mp_exptmod in integer.c, original winsize 5 Free heap: 38888, HomeKit clients: 1 [ 61629] HomeKit: [Client 1073683540] Disconnected! [ 61634] HomeKit: [Client 1073683540] Closing client connection [ 61640] HomeKit: Free saved_preinit_pairing_context [ 61645] HomeKit: [Client 0] Clear the pairing context [ 61661] HomeKit: Preiniting pairing context [ 61665] HomeKit: Using user-specified password: 111-11-111 [ 61698] HomeKit: Call s_mp_exptmod in integer.c, original winsize 6 [ 75035] HomeKit: Call s_mp_exptmod in integer.c, original winsize 5 [ 81838] HomeKit: Preinit pairing context success Free heap: 41952, HomeKit clients: 0 [ 83972] HomeKit: WiFi connected, ip:, mask:, gw: [ 83981] HomeKit: Configuring MDNS [ 83988] HomeKit: MDNS restart: ESP8266 Lamp, IP:

And a pairing unsuccess. Please help! Laci

gvuyk commented 1 year ago

Hi, If you are not on the latest version, try it, v1.4.0 has something that could help with this. If that is not enough, try disabling or re-scheduling any extra function that could be using CPU during the pairing process

rayenking commented 11 months ago

hey I have the same issue when pairing, it say the setup code is incorrect in the app