Mixiaoxiao / Arduino-HomeKit-ESP8266

Native Apple HomeKit accessory implementation for the ESP8266 Arduino core.
MIT License
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Setter #222

Open sincetomorrow opened 1 year ago

sincetomorrow commented 1 year ago

I have made a thermostat with an oled, and esp32 and a couple of buttons. I have made it so when the user presses the button, the target temperature and status is being updated on the home app, but when I update the values from the home app, I cannot pass it on the Arduino so that I can update the display and the heater relay. I think I have to place a setter or callback somehow but I cannot get it to work, anybody has any ideas?


PimV5755 commented 1 year ago

Are you using this library for ESP32?

Updating from the app to the device will need a setter to ensure it is done. It may also need a getter for getting the state when your iPhone wakes up. You have to check that. Otherwise it may show "updating forever...

Hope this helps.