Open slash-se opened 4 years ago
Your iPhone and ESP are in same WiFi? (both in 2.4G?)
@Mixiaoxiao Yes both are in the same wi-fi network. 2.4GHz
Something wrong with your router's settings. MDNS broadcast does NOT work on your LAN network.
Maybe you know some way to check if it's problem with my router and mDNS?
@Mixiaoxiao Did mDNS need only with Arduino IDE? I try to flash my ESP8266 with esp-homekit and everything going good at my Wi-Fi network.
Maybe an old topic, but did you pair the device in the past already? Looking at the log provided it is reusing an existing accessory id. Try reset the homekit storage by calling homekit_storage_reset() in your setup or erase the flash before flashing it again. Might help.
Hello! I'am try to use your library with example sketch simple_led.ino in Arduino IDE. Only change I made was ssid and password Also Iam forrlw your recomendation in Arduino IDE settings like CPU Frequency, SSL Support etc. After flash ESP8266 in Serial Monitor I get messages
`SketchSize: 480432 FreeSketchSpace: 1613824 FlashChipSize: 4194304 FlashChipRealSize: 4194304 FlashChipSpeed: 40000000 SdkVersion: 2.2.2-dev(38a443e) FullVersion: SDK:2.2.2-dev(38a443e)/Core:2.7.3-3-g2843a5ac=20703003/lwIP:STABLE-2_1_2_RELEASE/glue:1.2-30-g92add50/BearSSL:5c771be CpuFreq: 160MHz FreeHeap: 46696 ResetInfo: External System ResetReason: External System
But I can't find accessory in my Home app on iPhone or iPad. Can you please tell me what I'am doing wrong or what I need to change to connect to ESP8266 in Home app? Also I try simplest_led.ino from examples but don't reach success.