MixinNetwork / android-app

📱 Android private messenger, crypto wallet and light node to Mixin Network
GNU General Public License v3.0
451 stars 98 forks source link

Submit App to F-Droid #2487

Open emanuelb opened 2 years ago

emanuelb commented 2 years ago

F-Droid URL: https://f-droid.org/ F-Droid Wikipedia: https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-Droid

Contribution/Submit Applications: https://f-droid.org/en/contribute/#submit-applications Inclusion Policy: https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Inclusion_Policy Request For Packaging Tickets: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/rfp/issues

F-Droid is application & app store for android apps (alternative to Google Play) that accepts only FLOSS (free/libre and open-source) apps and doesn't require any account creation/login in order to download apps.

The requirements for being included into f-droid are here: https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Inclusion_Policy/

The process for getting an app published to f-droid is outlined here: https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Inclusion_How-To/ https://gitlab.com/fdroid/rfp#submission-queue https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md

You can open a RFP (Request For Packaging) ticket here: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/rfp or an user can do so, provided you agree to include this app in F-droid (a comment to this issue is enough for it)

Some users don't have play-store on their devices as they are degoogled devices or don't create/use google account (using aurora store app https://auroraoss.com/ in anonymous mode (which is available on f-droid) is solution to still get apps from google-play) or using OS/custom ROMs that don't have it included, such as: (Some bundle f-droid by default)

https://grapheneos.org/ GrapheneOS https://calyxos.org/ CalyxOS https://lineageos.org/ LineageOS https://lineage.microg.org/ LineageOS for microG https://e.foundation/ /e/ https://www.replicant.us/ Replicant

Downloading APKs from official places like github releases or website, or from unofficial sources like APK downloading sites https://apk.support or https://apkpure.com/ etc... will avoid the play-store/google dependency but it's lack automatic update mechanism unless it's built in into the application, F-Droid solve this.

Once the app is published into f-droid add the below image code into README.md to show that the app available on f-droid: Get it on F-Droid [<img src="https://fdroid.gitlab.io/artwork/badge/get-it-on.png" alt="Get it on F-Droid" height="80">](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.fdroid.fdroid/)

crossle commented 2 years ago

Follow the F-Droid rules, we should allow building a version no some dependence, e.g. Google Play library

emanuelb commented 2 years ago

This also require fixing #2559 and writing scripts to re-generate the pre-build files in this repo (such as .a files) either by coping them from distro packages or re-building them. Different build variant can be used that isn't depending on GooglePlayServices lib.