Open J-Christophe opened 7 years ago
The correct scenario is : There are 2 coordinate referential system :
In planetocentric referential, the longitude is counted positively to East from 0 to 360°. In planetographic referential, the longitude is counted positively according to rotation sens (direct or retrograde) of the planet. For most of body in solar system, the longitude is counted positively to West from 0 to 360°.
Exception for Moon, Sun and Earth where longitude is counted positively to East. For Earth : - 180° to 180°. For Moon, Sun, longitude 0 to 360°
It can exist several CRS for each body, in which the orientation is different or the longitude are counted differently (-180 to 180 or 0 to 360)
Visualiser si cette géométrie s'affiche correctement en projection plate carrée : POLYGON((219.545 86.449, 136.1618 84.99, 64.91 85.234, 334.002 86.789, 219.545 86.4499))
C'est une géométrie contenant le pole north