MizterB / RetroPie-Setup-Ubuntu

Scripts to automate the installation on RetroPie on Ubuntu
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bootstrap.sh is hardcoded to pull mail script from your repo #7

Closed johnodon closed 4 years ago

johnodon commented 4 years ago

I forked your repo just for my own testing (i.e. wanted to comment out the plymouth theme). However, the bootstap.sh has the path to your main script hardcoded:

SCRIPT_DIR="$(pwd)" REPO_NAME="RetroPie-Setup-Ubuntu" REPO_URL="https://github.com/MizterB/$REPO_NAME" REPO_BRANCH="LTS-20.04"

I imagine that there is a way to change this to look at the local repo.


MizterB commented 4 years ago

Well, the bootstrap pulls down the rest of the repo from GitHub, so it needs to know where to look for it. If you are forking, I would edit the bootstrap.sh in your fork directly in GitHub using its editor feature.

Alternatively, you can just download the bootstrap and edit it locally:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MizterB/RetroPie-Setup-Ubuntu/LTS-20.04/bootstrap.sh
chmod +x ./bootstrap.sh
nano ./bootstrap.sh
sudo ./bootstrap.sh

I don't believe I can change the logic for this use, but I could update the instructions.

On the other hand, if you have already downloaded the repo locally (not clear here), you don't need to run the bootstrap at all. All the bootstrap is doing is installing Git, cloning the repo, and activating the LTS-20.04 branch. If you've already done those steps yourself, you can go straight to the installer. I included the bootstrap mostly to simplify mini.iso installs, where Git is not already installed, but it can be used anywhere.

johnodon commented 4 years ago

OK...I wasn't sure if there was a way to use a variable that looks at the current path where git clones from.

MizterB commented 4 years ago

Not sure what you are describing - can you detail you use case some more? Maybe something is possible.

johnodon commented 4 years ago

I forked your repo to my own.

On my repo, I edited the retropie_setup_ubuntu.sh script and commented out the functions for nvidia and vulkan drivers (since I have an Intel chip) and also the plymouth theme:

-- Log this script's output

run_optional_scripts "$OPTIONAL_SCRIPT_DIR/pre_install"
#-- Basic RetroPie install 
#-- Common video drivers
#-- Hide text and boot directly into EmulationStation
**#enable_plymouth_theme "retropie-pacman"       # See https://github.com/HerbFargus/plymouth-themes.git for other theme names**
#-- Additional customizations
#-- OPTIONAL STEPS (comment/change as needed)
#   These are helpful for improving 4k performance and user experience
set_resolution_xwindows "1920x1080"          # Run 'xrandr --display :0' when a X Windows session is running to the supported resolutions
set_resolution_grub "1920x1080x32"           # Run 'vbeinfo' (legacy, pre 18.04) or 'videoinfo' (UEFI) from the GRUB command line to see the supported modes
run_optional_scripts "$OPTIONAL_SCRIPT_DIR/post_install"
#-- Final cleanup

When I follow the instructions and 'wget' the bootstrap.sh from my repo and run it (notice my repo name in the URL below):

wget -qO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/johnodon/RetroPie-Setup-Ubuntu/LTS-20.04/bootstrap.sh | sudo bash

...the bootstrap.sh file that was forked is hardcoded with a link to the retropie_setup_ubuntu.sh on your repo (as shown by the REPO_URL variable):

SCRIPT_DIR="$(pwd)" REPO_NAME="RetroPie-Setup-Ubuntu" REPO_URL="https://github.com/MizterB/$REPO_NAME" REPO_BRANCH="LTS-20.04"

So, when this runs, it essentially git clones the retropie_setup_ubuntu.sh script from your repo instead of mine and the changes I made to the script are not there.

Does that make sense?

MizterB commented 4 years ago

Got it - thank you. I have an idea of how to handle this, including an override of the repo and brach names. Will try it out.

MizterB commented 4 years ago

Should be all set now. Bootstrap is independent of the repository. You can pass repository URL and branch options to the bootstrap script and pull from your own fork & branch if desired. An example is in the README.

Note that the 20.04 branch has now been merged into master as well.

johnodon commented 4 years ago

Cool. Let me blow away my repo and re-fork. I'll report back on both cases (bootstrap and master merge).

MizterB commented 4 years ago

Based on your other feedback (and PR), I'm assuming this works as requested?

johnodon commented 4 years ago

Based on your other feedback (and PR), I'm assuming this works as requested?

Let me take a harder look. I seemed to be ending up with 2 copies of the retropie_setup_ubuntu.sh script...one in the root of the home folder and one in the ~\Retropie_Setup_Ubuntu folder. Then again, I was playing around from my own repo and may have caused that issue. I'll burn everything down and pull from yours.

Keep this open for now if you don't mind.

johnodon commented 4 years ago

OK...this is working as expected and can be closed.

johnodon commented 4 years ago

I may have found another issue...

I have a branch on my fork called 'xsession-errors'. The only thing that is different about this branch is that I created a new script and placed it in the library folder. When I run bootstrap.sh with the arguments shown below, the script is downloaded to /home/pi/optional_scripts/library rather than with the rest of the scripts in /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup-Ubuntu/optional_scripts/library. The folder also retains root as the owner.

sudo bash ./bootstrap.sh -r https://github.com/johnodon/RetroPie-Setup-Ubuntu -b xsession-errors
pi@ELITEDESK:~$ ls -la
total 48
drwxr-xr-x 6 pi   pi   4096 Sep 25 14:36 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 24 10:00 ..
-rw------- 1 pi   pi     12 Sep 24 10:01 .bash_history
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi    220 Sep 24 10:00 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi   3771 Sep 24 10:00 .bashrc
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pi   pi   2247 Sep 25 14:34 bootstrap.sh
drwx------ 2 pi   pi   4096 Sep 24 10:01 .cache
drwxrwxr-x 3 pi   pi   4096 Sep 25 14:34 .local
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 25 14:36 optional_scripts
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi    807 Sep 24 10:00 .profile
drwxr-xr-x 5 pi   pi   4096 Sep 25 14:36 RetroPie-Setup-Ubuntu
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi      0 Sep 24 10:01 .sudo_as_admin_successful
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pi   pi    180 Sep 25 14:34 .wget-hsts
MizterB commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I tried to get cute with git and broke this. Fixed in b59233382379ed9363c3062d87faf22042453d53.