Mk-Chan / WyldChess

A UCI/Xboard compatible chess engine in C
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 0 forks source link

time forfeit in a 40/2 round robin tournament #42

Closed ChessGUI closed 7 years ago

ChessGUI commented 7 years ago


[White "Wyldchess1.5_popcnt"] [Black "Djinn1021_x64"] [Result "0-1"] [TimeControl "40/120:40/120:40/120"] [Opening "Dunst (Sleipner-Heinrichsen-Van Geet) Eröffnung"] [ECO "A00"] [Variation "1...d5"] [Termination "time forfeit"] [PlyCount "78"]

  1. Nc3 d5 2. e3 Nf6 3. f4 d4 4. exd4 Nc6 5. Bb5 Qxd4 6. Nf3 Qxf4 7. O-O Bg4 8. Qe1 Bxf3
  2. Rxf3 Qd4+ 10. Kh1 e6 11. d3 Bd6 12. Be3 Qb4 13. a3 Qg4 14. h3 Qg6 15. Qf2 O-O 16. Bxc6 bxc6
  3. Bxa7 Nh5 18. Ne2 e5 19. Rg1 f5 20. g4 fxg4 21. Rxg4 Qe6 22. Rxf8+ Rxf8 23. Qg2 Qd5 24. Rg5 g6
  4. Bg1 Qxg2+ 26. Kxg2 Rb8 27. b3 Kf7 28. Be3 Nf6 29. a4 Ke6 30. a5 Rg8 31. h4 Ra8 32. Bd2 e4
  5. Kg1 c5 34. d4 cxd4 35. Nxd4+ Kf7 36. Nb5 Bf8 37. Nxc7 Ra7 38. Nb5 Rd7 39. Bc3 Bh6 0-1

    Motor Punkte Re Ru Dj Wy S-B 1: Redqueen-1.1.98-windows64 17,0/30 ·········· ====0=01=0 =100111=01 =10111=101 240,50 2: Ruy_sse42 15,5/30 ====1=10=1 ·········· 111=00=00= =1001=0011 232,50 3: Djinn1021_x64 14,0/30 =011000=10 000=11=11= ·········· =100101010 214,00 4: Wyldchess1.5_popcnt 13,5/30 =01000=010 =0110=1100 =011010101 ·········· 205,50

60 Partien gespielt / Turnier beendet Name des Turniers: Ort/ Land: I5COREQUAD, Germany Spielstufe: Turnier 40/2 Hardware: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz mit 3,7 GB Speicher Betriebssystem: Windows 7 Home Premium Home Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) 64 bit PGN-Datei: C:\Users\NRL\Downloads\arena_3.5.1\Arena.pgn

Mk-Chan commented 7 years ago

I just wanted some extra information, are there multiple games being played at the same time? Or only one game at a time?

Also has this sort of time out occurred more than once?

rwbc commented 7 years ago

I can confirm this also for moves/time. In a test at 40/4min with 44 games there were 4 time losses, always either in move 40 or 80, the last move before the next interval. Obviously this happens because WyldChess currently doesn't reserve any time (and tries to play at exactly the same time for all moves at that tc) and even a few millisec of overhead in communication between GUI and engine may lead to a time loss or it may even result in a race condition when the move and the triggering of the time loss event happens at the same time.

I could send more WB debugs/logs too and the game file. WIN7-64, Winboard 4.90+Polyglot, 40/4, 256MB, Syzygy 5men


[Event "RWBC"]
[Date "2017.06.06"]
[Round "18"]
[White "WyldChess_15-64"]
[Black "RuyDos_102-64"]
[Result "0-1"]
[TimeControl "40/240"]
[FEN "r1b1kbnr/ppp2ppp/2nq4/3pp3/Q3P3/2P2N2/PP1P1PPP/RNB1KB1R w KQkq - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]

r . b . k b n r
p p p . . p p p
. . n q . . . .
. . . p p . . .
Q . . . P . . .
. . P . . N . .
P P . P . P P P
R N B . K B . R
white to play
1. exd5 {-0.11/14} Qxd5 {+0.08/13 5} 2. d4 {+0.00/13 6} exd4 {-0.02/13 20}
3. Bc4 {+0.21/13 6} Qa5 {+0.01/14 7} 4. Qb3 {+0.63/14 6} Qf5 {-0.11/13 4}
5. Nxd4 {+0.43/12 6} Nxd4 {-0.05/13 5} 6. cxd4 {+0.12/15 6} Bd6
{-0.21/13 2.4} 7. Nc3 {+0.42/13 6} Ne7 {-0.22/13 5} 8. Be3 {+0.18/14 6} a6
{+0.04/13 3} 9. O-O-O {+0.58/14 6} O-O {+0.01/14 11} 10. Bd3 {+0.56/14 6}
Qa5 {+0.02/13 3} 11. h3 {+0.33/12 6} Rb8 {+0.07/12 4} 12. g4 {+0.55/13 6}
Bd7 {+0.13/12 2.8} 13. Rhe1 {+0.61/11 6} b5 {+0.03/13 8} 14. Ne4
{+0.48/13 6} Be6 {+0.46/14 3} 15. Qc2 {-0.01/16 6} Qxa2 {+0.41/14 6} 16.
Nc3 {-0.39/12 6} Qa5 {+0.37/15 27} 17. Bxh7+ {-0.20/13 6} Kh8 {-0.11/1} 18.
Bd3 {-0.38/15 6} Nd5 {+0.45/15 20} 19. Nxd5 {-0.38/15 6} Bxd5 {+0.47/16 6}
20. Be4 {-0.54/15 6} Qa1+ {+0.45/16 6} 21. Qb1 {-0.59/18 6} Qxb1+
{+0.53/16 6} 22. Bxb1 {-0.74/18 6} a5 {+0.53/17 3} 23. Bd3 {-0.51/15 6} a4
{+0.60/15 3} 24. Bd2 {-0.89/17 6} b4 {+0.58/16 3} 25. Be4 {-1.06/18 6} Be6
{+0.76/15 10} 26. Kb1 {-0.45/16 6} a3 {+0.75/15 2.9} 27. Rc1 {-0.57/15 6}
a2+ {+1.01/15 2.0} 28. Ka1 {-0.68/17 6} b3 {+1.01/16 3} 29. Bc6
{-0.85/16 6} Bc8 {+0.95/15 3} 30. Bd5 {-0.80/15 6} Rb5 {+0.94/14 5} 31. Bc6
{-0.53/17 6} Rb6 {+0.93/15 1.7} 32. Ba5 {-0.52/17 6} Ra6 {+0.93/17 8} 33.
Bd2 {-0.67/18 6} Kg8 {+0.62/16 13} 34. Rc4 {-0.56/15 6} Rb6 {+1.06/15 1.4}
35. Ba5 {-0.72/16 6} Be6 {+0.90/16 1.9} 36. Rcc1 {-0.50/18 6} Ra6
{+0.73/15 1.5} 37. Bd2 {-0.39/17 6} Kh7 {+0.75/16 5} 38. Be4+ {-0.34/16 6}
Kh8 {+0.93/16 1.6} 39. Bc6 {-0.41/17 6} Kg8 {+0.79/16 5}
{Black wins on time} 0-1
1205052 <first : move h8g8
1205052 >second: time 600
1205052 >second: otim 773
book hit = (NULL)
1205052 >second: usermove 1205052 >second: h8g8
1205062 <second: 1 -29 0 53 Bg5
1205062 <second: 2 -20 0 218 d5 Bc8
1205062 <second: 3 -14 0 354 d5 Bc8 Bg5
1205062 <second: 4 -39 0 478 d5 Bc8 Bg5 f6
1205072 <second: 5 -49 0 693 d5 Bc8 Bg5 f6 Bd2
1205072 <second: 5 -40 0 1522 d5 Bc8 Bc3 Bf4 Rcd1
1205072 <second: 6 -50 0 1731 d5 Bc8 Bc3 Bf4 Rcd1
1205072 <second: 6 -44 0 6580 Re2 Rb6 d5 Bc8 Rce1 Ba6
1205072 <second: 7 -46 1 8568 Re2 Rb6 d5 Bc8 f4 Ba6 Ree1
1205072 <second: 8 -46 1 14536 Re2 Rb6 f4 Bb4 f5 Bxd2 Rxd2 Bc8
1205092 <second: 9 -41 3 26985 Re2 Bc8 f3 Rd8 Bg5 f6 Bd5+ Kh7 Bd2
1205102 <second: 10 -51 4 40459 Re2 Bc8 f3 Rd8 Bg5 f6 Bd5+ Kh7 Bd2 Rb6
1205132 <second: 10 -40 7 72280 Re2 Bc8 Ree1 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Be4 Rd8 Bxc7 Bxc7
1205152 <second: 11 -50 9 85213 Re2 Bc8 Ree1 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Be4 Rd8 Bxc7 Bxc7 Rxc7
1205202 <second: 11 -51 14 131781 Bg5 Bc8 Bd2 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Be4 f5 Bd5+ Kh7 Bxc7
1205222 <second: 12 -51 16 153185 Bg5 Bc8 Bd2 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Be4 f5 Bd5+ Kh7 Bxc7 Bxc7
1205272 <second: 13 -51 21 201629 Bg5 Bc8 Bd2 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Be4 f5 Bd5+ Kh7 Bxc7 Bxc7 Rxc7
1205372 <second: 14 -46 31 295411 Bg5 Bc8 Bd2 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Rc3 Bb7 Bd7 Bd5 Bxc7 Bb4 Bxb8 Bxc3
1205872 <second: 15 -51 81 751775 Bg5 Bc8 Bd2 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Be4 Bb4 Bxc7 Bxe1 Bxb8 Bxf2 Bd6 Re8 Be5
1208072 <second: 16 -47 301 2715986 Bg5 Bc8 f3 f6 Bd2 Kh7 Bd5 Rb6 Be4+ f5 gxf5 Bxf5 Ba5 Bxe4 Bxb6 Bc2
1209772 <second: 17 -47 471 4234157 Bg5 Bc8 f3 f6 Bd2 Kh7 Bd5 Rb6 Be4+ f5 gxf5 Bxf5 Ba5 Bxe4 Bxb6 Bc2 Bc5
1211052 <second: move d2g5
GameEnds(27, Black wins on time, 4)
GE(27, Black wins on time, 4) bare king k=10 color=66
write FEN 50-move: 0 78 0
e0. p=-6
e1. p=-3
e2. p=-2
e3. p=-3
e4. p=-3
e5. p=-6
e6. p=-6
e7. p=-6
e8. p=-6
e9. p=-2
e10. p=-2
e11. p=-3
e12. p=-6
e13. p=-6
e14. p=-6
e15. p=-6
e16. p=-3
e17. p=-6
e18. p=-6
e19. p=-6
e20. p=-6
e21. p=-3
e22. p=-6
e23. p=-3
e24. p=-6
e25. p=-6
e26. p=-3
e27. p=-6
e28. p=-6
e29. p=-6
e30. p=-2
e31. p=-6
e32. p=-6
e33. p=-2
e34. p=-6
e35. p=-6
e36. p=-6
e37. p=-2
e38. p=-2
e39. p=-6
e40. p=-6
e41. p=-6
e42. p=-2
e43. p=-2
e44. p=-3
e45. p=-6
e46. p=-3
e47. p=-6
e48. p=-3
e49. p=-6
e50. p=-6
e51. p=-6
e52. p=-3
e53. p=-6
e54. p=-3
e55. p=-6
e56. p=-3
e57. p=-6
e58. p=-6
e59. p=-6
e60. p=-6
e61. p=-6
e62. p=-6
e63. p=-6
e64. p=-6
e65. p=-6
e66. p=-6
e67. p=-6
e68. p=-6
e69. p=-6
e70. p=-6
e71. p=-6
e72. p=-6
e73. p=-6
e74. p=-6
e75. p=-6
e76. p=-6
e77. p=-6
e78. p=-6
1211052 >first : result 0-1 {Black wins on time}
1211052 >second: result 0-1 {Black wins on time}
1496784558.780 POLYGLOT THINK -> WAIT
1496784563.750 GUI->Adapter: time 600
1496784563.750 GUI->Adapter: otim 773
1496784563.750 GUI->Adapter: usermove h8g8
1496784563.750 POLYGLOT MOVE Kg8
1496784563.750 POLYGLOT WAIT -> THINK
1496784563.750 POLYGLOT FEN 5rk1/2p2pp1/r1Bbb3/8/3P2P1/1p5P/pP1B1P2/K1R1R3 w - - 22 40
1496784563.760 Adapter->Engine: position fen r1b1kbnr/ppp2ppp/2nq4/3pp3/Q3P3/2P2N2/PP1P1PPP/RNB1KB1R w KQkq - 0 1 moves e4d5 d6d5 d2d4 e5d4 f1c4 d5a5 a4b3 a5f5 f3d4 c6d4 c3d4 f8d6 b1c3 g8e7 c1e3 a7a6 e1c1 e8g8 c4d3 f5a5 h2h3 a8b8 g2g4 c8d7 h1e1 b7b5 c3e4 d7e6 b3c2 a5a2 e4c3 a2a5 d3h7 g8h8 h7d3 e7d5 c3d5 e6d5 d3e4 a5a1 c2b1 a1b1 e4b1 a6a5 b1d3 a5a4 e3d2 b5b4 d3e4 d5e6 c1b1 a4a3 d1c1 a3a2 b1a1 b4b3 e4c6 e6c8 c6d5 b8b5 d5c6 b5b6 d2a5 b6a6 a5d2 h8g8 c1c4 a6b6 d2a5 c8e6 c4c1 b6a6 a5d2 g8h7 c6e4 h7h8 e4c6 h8g8
1496784563.760 Adapter->Engine: go wtime 6000 btime 7730 movestogo 1
1496784563.760 Engine->Adapter: info depth 1 seldepth 0 tbhits 0 score cp -29 nodes 53 time 0 pv d2g5
1496784563.760 Adapter->GUI: 1 -29 0 53 Bg5
1496784563.760 Engine->Adapter: info depth 2 seldepth 1 tbhits 0 score cp -20 nodes 218 time 0 pv d4d5 e6c8
1496784563.760 Adapter->GUI: 2 -20 0 218 d5 Bc8
1496784563.760 Engine->Adapter: info depth 3 seldepth 2 tbhits 0 score cp -14 nodes 354 time 0 pv d4d5 e6c8 d2g5
1496784563.760 Adapter->GUI: 3 -14 0 354 d5 Bc8 Bg5
1496784563.760 Engine->Adapter: info depth 4 seldepth 3 tbhits 0 score cp -39 nodes 478 time 0 pv d4d5 e6c8 d2g5 f7f6
1496784563.760 Adapter->GUI: 4 -39 0 478 d5 Bc8 Bg5 f6
1496784563.760 Engine->Adapter: info depth 5 seldepth 4 tbhits 0 score cp -49 nodes 693 time 0 pv d4d5 e6c8 d2g5 f7f6 g5d2
1496784563.760 Adapter->GUI: 5 -49 0 693 d5 Bc8 Bg5 f6 Bd2
1496784563.760 Engine->Adapter: info depth 5 seldepth 5 tbhits 0 score cp -40 nodes 1522 time 0 pv d4d5 e6c8 d2c3 d6f4 c1d1
1496784563.760 Adapter->GUI: 5 -40 0 1522 d5 Bc8 Bc3 Bf4 Rcd1
1496784563.760 Engine->Adapter: info depth 6 seldepth 5 tbhits 0 score cp -50 nodes 1731 time 0 pv d4d5 e6c8 d2c3 d6f4 c1d1
1496784563.760 Adapter->GUI: 6 -50 0 1731 d5 Bc8 Bc3 Bf4 Rcd1
1496784563.760 Engine->Adapter: info depth 6 seldepth 7 tbhits 0 score cp -44 nodes 6580 time 0 pv e1e2 a6b6 d4d5 e6c8 c1e1 c8a6
1496784563.760 Adapter->GUI: 6 -44 0 6580 Re2 Rb6 d5 Bc8 Rce1 Ba6
1496784563.770 Engine->Adapter: info depth 7 seldepth 8 tbhits 0 score cp -46 nodes 8568 time 10 pv e1e2 a6b6 d4d5 e6c8 f2f4 c8a6 e2e1
1496784563.770 Adapter->GUI: 7 -46 1 8568 Re2 Rb6 d5 Bc8 f4 Ba6 Ree1
1496784563.770 Engine->Adapter: info depth 8 seldepth 9 tbhits 0 score cp -46 nodes 14536 time 10 pv e1e2 a6b6 f2f4 d6b4 f4f5 b4d2 e2d2 e6c8
1496784563.770 Adapter->GUI: 8 -46 1 14536 Re2 Rb6 f4 Bb4 f5 Bxd2 Rxd2 Bc8
1496784563.790 Engine->Adapter: info depth 9 seldepth 11 tbhits 0 score cp -41 nodes 26985 time 30 pv e1e2 e6c8 f2f3 f8d8 d2g5 f7f6 c6d5 g8h7 g5d2
1496784563.790 Adapter->GUI: 9 -41 3 26985 Re2 Bc8 f3 Rd8 Bg5 f6 Bd5+ Kh7 Bd2
1496784563.800 Engine->Adapter: info depth 10 seldepth 12 tbhits 0 score cp -51 nodes 40459 time 40 pv e1e2 e6c8 f2f3 f8d8 d2g5 f7f6 c6d5 g8h7 g5d2 a6b6
1496784563.800 Adapter->GUI: 10 -51 4 40459 Re2 Bc8 f3 Rd8 Bg5 f6 Bd5+ Kh7 Bd2 Rb6
1496784563.830 Engine->Adapter: info depth 10 seldepth 13 tbhits 0 score cp -40 nodes 72280 time 70 pv e1e2 e6c8 e2e1 a6b6 d2a5 b6b8 c6e4 f8d8 a5c7 d6c7
1496784563.830 Adapter->GUI: 10 -40 7 72280 Re2 Bc8 Ree1 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Be4 Rd8 Bxc7 Bxc7
1496784563.850 Engine->Adapter: info depth 11 seldepth 13 tbhits 0 score cp -50 nodes 85213 time 90 pv e1e2 e6c8 e2e1 a6b6 d2a5 b6b8 c6e4 f8d8 a5c7 d6c7 c1c7
1496784563.850 Adapter->GUI: 11 -50 9 85213 Re2 Bc8 Ree1 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Be4 Rd8 Bxc7 Bxc7 Rxc7
1496784563.900 Engine->Adapter: info depth 11 seldepth 13 tbhits 0 score cp -51 nodes 131781 time 140 pv d2g5 e6c8 g5d2 a6b6 d2a5 b6b8 c6e4 f7f5 e4d5 g8h7 a5c7
1496784563.900 Adapter->GUI: 11 -51 14 131781 Bg5 Bc8 Bd2 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Be4 f5 Bd5+ Kh7 Bxc7
1496784563.920 Engine->Adapter: info depth 12 seldepth 14 tbhits 0 score cp -51 nodes 153185 time 160 pv d2g5 e6c8 g5d2 a6b6 d2a5 b6b8 c6e4 f7f5 e4d5 g8h7 a5c7 d6c7
1496784563.920 Adapter->GUI: 12 -51 16 153185 Bg5 Bc8 Bd2 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Be4 f5 Bd5+ Kh7 Bxc7 Bxc7
1496784563.970 Engine->Adapter: info depth 13 seldepth 17 tbhits 0 score cp -51 nodes 201629 time 210 pv d2g5 e6c8 g5d2 a6b6 d2a5 b6b8 c6e4 f7f5 e4d5 g8h7 a5c7 d6c7 c1c7
1496784563.970 Adapter->GUI: 13 -51 21 201629 Bg5 Bc8 Bd2 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Be4 f5 Bd5+ Kh7 Bxc7 Bxc7 Rxc7
1496784564.070 Engine->Adapter: info depth 14 seldepth 19 tbhits 0 score cp -46 nodes 295411 time 310 pv d2g5 e6c8 g5d2 a6b6 d2a5 b6b8 c1c3 c8b7 c6d7 b7d5 a5c7 d6b4 c7b8 b4c3
1496784564.070 Adapter->GUI: 14 -46 31 295411 Bg5 Bc8 Bd2 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Rc3 Bb7 Bd7 Bd5 Bxc7 Bb4 Bxb8 Bxc3
1496784564.570 Engine->Adapter: info depth 15 seldepth 21 tbhits 0 score cp -51 nodes 751775 time 810 pv d2g5 e6c8 g5d2 a6b6 d2a5 b6b8 c6e4 d6b4 a5c7 b4e1 c7b8 e1f2 b8d6 f8e8 d6e5
1496784564.570 Adapter->GUI: 15 -51 81 751775 Bg5 Bc8 Bd2 Rb6 Ba5 Rb8 Be4 Bb4 Bxc7 Bxe1 Bxb8 Bxf2 Bd6 Re8 Be5
1496784566.030 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 2 currmove e1e6 nps 901166
1496784566.030 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 3 currmove c6d5 nps 901574
1496784566.030 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 4 currmove c6d7 nps 901663
1496784566.030 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 5 currmove d4d5 nps 901784
1496784566.110 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 6 currmove c1c3 nps 900211
1496784566.120 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 7 currmove e1h1 nps 899646
1496784566.150 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 8 currmove d2a5 nps 901833
1496784566.150 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 9 currmove d2b4 nps 902077
1496784566.160 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 10 currmove d2e3 nps 898553
1496784566.210 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 11 currmove c6e4 nps 901355
1496784566.250 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 12 currmove c6b7 nps 897893
1496784566.250 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 13 currmove e1e3 nps 900882
1496784566.270 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 14 currmove c6f3 nps 898602
1496784566.390 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 15 currmove c6a4 nps 901616
1496784566.390 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 16 currmove c6h1 nps 901616
1496784566.410 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 17 currmove c6g2 nps 900421
1496784566.430 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 18 currmove e1e4 nps 901442
1496784566.430 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 19 currmove h3h4 nps 902417
1496784566.440 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 20 currmove e1e5 nps 902691
1496784566.440 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 21 currmove d2c3 nps 902839
1496784566.440 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 22 currmove c1c4 nps 902978
1496784566.440 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 23 currmove c6e8 nps 903025
1496784566.450 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 24 currmove c6b5 nps 899862
1496784566.460 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 25 currmove e1g1 nps 901886
1496784566.480 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 26 currmove c1c5 nps 901856
1496784566.480 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 27 currmove g4g5 nps 902154
1496784566.530 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 28 currmove d2f4 nps 900123
1496784566.530 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 29 currmove d2h6 nps 900329
1496784566.530 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 30 currmove c1c2 nps 900695
1496784566.530 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 31 currmove e1f1 nps 900786
1496784566.540 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 32 currmove c6a8 nps 900692
1496784566.540 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 33 currmove f2f3 nps 901026
1496784566.560 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 34 currmove e1e2 nps 900290
1496784566.710 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 35 currmove c1b1 nps 901720
1496784566.710 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 36 currmove f2f4 nps 901736
1496784566.750 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 37 currmove e1d1 nps 901831
1496784566.770 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 38 currmove c1d1 nps 902083
1496784566.770 Engine->Adapter: info depth 16 seldepth 24 tbhits 0 score cp -47 nodes 2715986 nps 902320 time 3010 pv d2g5 e6c8 f2f3 f7f6 g5d2 g8h7 c6d5 a6b6 d5e4 f6f5 g4f5 c8f5 d2a5 f5e4 a5b6 e4c2
1496784566.770 Adapter->GUI: 16 -47 301 2715986 Bg5 Bc8 f3 f6 Bd2 Kh7 Bd5 Rb6 Be4+ f5 gxf5 Bxf5 Ba5 Bxe4 Bxb6 Bc2
1496784566.770 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 1 currmove d2g5 nps 902321
1496784567.440 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 2 currmove e1e6 nps 900573
1496784567.450 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 3 currmove c6d7 nps 900742
1496784567.450 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 4 currmove d4d5 nps 901115
1496784567.560 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 5 currmove c6d5 nps 900449
1496784567.560 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 6 currmove d2b4 nps 900574
1496784567.560 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 7 currmove c6b7 nps 901392
1496784567.620 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 8 currmove d2f4 nps 900109
1496784567.620 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 9 currmove c1c3 nps 900755
1496784567.660 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 10 currmove d2a5 nps 899731
1496784567.660 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 11 currmove d2e3 nps 900195
1496784567.780 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 12 currmove c6e4 nps 899562
1496784567.850 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 13 currmove c1d1 nps 900013
1496784567.850 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 14 currmove e1d1 nps 900275
1496784567.880 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 15 currmove c6a4 nps 899945
1496784567.880 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 16 currmove e1e2 nps 900305
1496784568.010 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 17 currmove d2c3 nps 899281
1496784568.010 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 18 currmove c6b5 nps 899460
1496784568.040 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 19 currmove c6e8 nps 899855
1496784568.040 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 20 currmove c6a8 nps 900034
1496784568.050 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 21 currmove c6f3 nps 898510
1496784568.130 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 22 currmove c6h1 nps 901196
1496784568.150 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 23 currmove c6g2 nps 901033
1496784568.200 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 24 currmove e1h1 nps 900299
1496784568.220 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 25 currmove g4g5 nps 899971
1496784568.280 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 26 currmove e1g1 nps 899795
1496784568.330 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 27 currmove e1f1 nps 900914
1496784568.340 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 28 currmove c1b1 nps 900562
1496784568.340 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 29 currmove f2f3 nps 900587
1496784568.390 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 30 currmove h3h4 nps 898914
1496784568.400 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 31 currmove c1c2 nps 899187
1496784568.400 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 32 currmove c1c4 nps 899264
1496784568.400 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 33 currmove c1c5 nps 899297
1496784568.400 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 34 currmove d2h6 nps 899443
1496784568.410 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 35 currmove e1e5 nps 898128
1496784568.410 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 36 currmove e1e4 nps 898241
1496784568.410 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 37 currmove f2f4 nps 899131
1496784568.450 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 38 currmove e1e3 nps 899497
1496784568.470 Engine->Adapter: info depth 17 seldepth 27 tbhits 0 score cp -47 nodes 4234157 nps 898971 time 4710 pv d2g5 e6c8 f2f3 f7f6 g5d2 g8h7 c6d5 a6b6 d5e4 f6f5 g4f5 c8f5 d2a5 f5e4 a5b6 e4c2 b6c5
1496784568.470 Adapter->GUI: 17 -47 471 4234157 Bg5 Bc8 f3 f6 Bd2 Kh7 Bd5 Rb6 Be4+ f5 gxf5 Bxf5 Ba5 Bxe4 Bxb6 Bc2 Bc5
1496784568.470 Engine->Adapter: info currmovenumber 1 currmove d2g5 nps 898971
1496784569.750 Engine->Adapter: bestmove d2g5
1496784569.750 Adapter->GUI: move d2g5
1496784569.750 POLYGLOT MOVE Bg5
1496784569.750 POLYGLOT THINK -> WAIT
1496784569.760 GUI->Adapter: result 0-1 {Black wins on time}

Guenther, (RWBC)

Mk-Chan commented 7 years ago

Actually Wyld reserves 10ms of time every single move to account for this problem exactly. From both the logs from @rwbc I can see that Wyld did in fact send the move within time but apparently the GUI didn't read it. Please look(from Guenther's logs):

1496784563.760 Adapter->Engine: position fen r1b1kbnr/ppp2ppp/2nq4/3pp3/Q3P3/2P2N2/PP1P1PPP/RNB1KB1R w KQkq - 0 1 moves ....

1496784563.760 Adapter->Engine: go wtime 6000 btime 7730 movestogo 1

The above means White(Wyld) has 6 seconds to go)

1496784569.750 Engine->Adapter: bestmove d2g5

1496784569.750 Adapter->GUI: move d2g5

As you can see above, Wyld has actually given the move to the Adapter and the Adapter has given the move to the GUI in exactly 5.990sec (1496784569.750 - 1496784563.760).

This means that Wyld is working as intended and correctly, yet the GUI stopped the match 10ms later claiming that Wyld lost on time:

1496784569.760 GUI->Adapter: result 0-1 {Black wins on time}

I think this is GUI problem because this does not occur for me under cutechess, xboard or arena for linux.

@rwbc are you using Arena 3.5.1 as well?

EDIT: Sorry, I just noticed Guenther is using Winboard4.9

I want to identify exactly where the problem is before I increase the time reservation which is already at 10ms

Mk-Chan commented 7 years ago

Regarding a solution, @ZirconiumX suggests I provide a variable time margin. So i could implement that as a UCI option. What do you think @rwbc @ChessGUI ?

rwbc commented 7 years ago

I don't think it is a GUI problem Manik, but more a Windows problem! The default time resolution under Windows is already 16ms, but programs can change it to 1ms IIRC. (BTW I noticed also that gap of 10ms between GUI and WyldChess in claiming the time loss.)

I want to add that my games weren't played under strict conditions, because that wasn't a test for RWBC nor a rating list or whatsoever. This means it could well be that a browser and something more was running still during my sleep while the match was running. (Only sure that all WIN update prcesses are stopped since months ;-) Actually you'll need to disable several processes and the virus scanner under Windows to be quite safe for extremly tiny time margins. (and of course no other program should run! even on a multi core machine)

BTW IIRC CuteChess already adds a safety time margin which is by default higher than 10ms, but I don't remember exactly.

Under Windows 10ms is definetely too less IMO.


Mk-Chan commented 7 years ago

Alright then maybe I should increase it to 50 by default and also add an xboard/uci spin option for it.

But this issue should've crept up in ALL the previous versions as well but I didn't hear about it. Maybe it did and no one complained :p

Mk-Chan commented 7 years ago

So I've added a variable MoveOverhead option(applied to every move) and set the default to 30ms. That should solve the issue. I'll release that with further improvements next in WyldChess 2.0