Mk-Chan / WyldChess

A UCI/Xboard compatible chess engine in C
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 0 forks source link

Arena debug-files and PGN #43

Closed ChessGUI closed 7 years ago

ChessGUI commented 7 years ago

Hello Manik,

cf. attachment (.zip-files). Time forfeit of current edition

seems to be a serious problem.

Best wishes,

Mk-Chan commented 7 years ago

Hi Norbert,

According to the logs you have provided in, I notice the following in the game Runde 4 von 10: DeepGandalf7-64 - Wyldchess1.5_popcnt:

At move 75: 2017-06-26 16:09:51,5971Start calc, move no: 75

2017-06-26 16:09:51,597-->1:go wtime 3736 btime 6711 winc 0 binc 0 movestogo 3

here black(WyldChess) has 6.7seconds of time left to play at 16:09:51,597. It ends as follows:

2017-06-26 16:09:53,220<--1:info depth 17 seldepth 26 tbhits 76 score cp 87 nodes 2856147 nps 1968399 time 1451 pv h7h5 h2h3 h5g4 h3g4 c6c5 b3b4 c5b4 b1b4 b7a6 b4b1 g2g4 h4h5 f3f2 b1f1 g4g2 e5d4 d7e8

2017-06-26 16:09:53,235<--1:info currmovenumber 1 currmove h7h5 nps 1968399

2017-06-26 16:09:59,912-->1:stop

2017-06-26 16:10:01,191**TourPartie zuende: 1-0 {1-0 Schwarz überschreitet die Zeit}

As you can see arena has not received the bestmove <move> command from the engine. This is the problem that has occurred every single time. I see the exact same issue with RuyDos as well. I think this is a GUI problem.

Please also refer to

Mk-Chan commented 7 years ago

Resolved(hopefully) by setting default MoveOverhead(applied to each move) to 30ms and offering it as a spin variable for both UCI and Xboard. Will be released with further improvements in WyldChess 2.0