Mmtrx / FS22_SeeBales

See bales and pallets on ingame map
4 stars 1 forks source link - hotspots.lua:195: attempt to index a nil value #6

Open ZincStoat opened 8 months ago

ZincStoat commented 8 months ago

Hi, and Happy New Year.

I've just had to disable SeeBales after starting Burgenlandkreis Single Player as my log is getting absolutely hammered with the following error and FPS is down to single figures. I enabled debugging per your suggestion in another report so the log's got that, also find attached a screenshot of the statistics at the time. I haven't actually done any baling at this point, so there'll just be whatever bales come with the map on New Farmer.

2023-12-31 16:46 Error: RoyalMod caught error from FS22_SeeBales ( 2023-12-31 16:46 Error: C:/Users/windo/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_SeeBales/scripts/hotspots.lua:195: attempt to index a nil value 2023-12-31 16:46 Info: -- makeBHotspot(): visible rd. STRAW Bale 1546/610253 (11000l) of farm 50 at 409.98 -890.72.

ZincStoat commented 8 months ago

For what it's worth, this is the contents of 'items.xml' for the save game in question (renamed to .txt as xml uploads aren't supported, go figure). items.txt